Amityville, New York

what is the career path for software engineer ?
Need help navigating career choice after high school

What classes should I take in high school if I want to become a pediatrician?
I currently take biology, algebra 1, english honors, and honors world history what should I take for the rest of high school.

How would you get practice for becoming a technical writer?
When it comes to creative writing, it seems to be simpler to build a portfolio. If I'm not majoring in Technical Writing, what suggestions would you have to build the skills necessary to excel, and appear attractive to recruiters?

What are some tips for beginning nursing school?
Where do I start in order to study for the nursing career and what steps should I take first.

Is architecture a good career to follow?
I want to learn more about Architecture as a career, as well as receive tips on how to apply to internship and do well on interviews
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