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Nikki’s Avatar
Nikki Feb 10, 2017 891 views

Is a second language a requirement for Accounting?

I have spanish as a second language. #foreign-languages

Nikki’s Avatar
Nikki Feb 10, 2017 899 views

What would be the maximum yearly rate for Acoounting?

I want to be able to help people financially and get myself financially stacked for life. #business #accounting #mathematical-modeling

Ben ’s Avatar
Ben Feb 09, 2017 2961 views

How do I get good at cold calling?

I am a student at San Jose State. I just recently started on the advertising staff of our newspaper the Spartan Daily. My job is to cold call local businesses and have them place ads in the paper. I am comfortable talking on the phone so that is not a problem. However, I would love to learn...

Raeann’s Avatar
Raeann Feb 06, 2017 1597 views

Do AP classes really help your college applications?

Will having Advanced Placement courses really help my college applications? Do you think getting a B in an AP class will look better or worse to people evaluating your application? Is an AP class really worth it? #college #college-applications #ap #advance-placement

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 06, 2017 1410 views

What kind of questions should I be asking at an internship?

I'm in high school and would like to find an internship. However, I'm not sure on which questions I should be asking to get the most of my experience.
#internships #internship

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 06, 2017 1203 views

What should I put on my resume if I'm a high schooler looking for an internship?

I'm interested in finding an internship at a research company or university, but I am not sure what to put on my resume as I don't have any experience working elsewhere. #internships #research #job-application

Raeann’s Avatar
Raeann Feb 02, 2017 1103 views

What ways can I build my resume before college?

Hello, I am a senior this year and heading to a 4-year in the fall. I have been extremely busy this year as I am in 3 AP's this year and participate in 3 sports. So a job has never really been an option for me, because employers do not seem to be really willing to work with my hours despite my...

Raeann’s Avatar
Raeann Feb 02, 2017 981 views

Should I work while being a college student?

Hello, I am a senior this year, and college is coming rapidly. I know money will be tight in college, but I also know I will be extremely busy going to class and studying. I am thinking I will likely get some kind of simple teenager-ish part-time job (fast-food, retail, etc.) while going to...

Raeann’s Avatar
Raeann Feb 02, 2017 983 views

What is the credential process to become a teacher?

Hello, I am a senior this year, and I have finally figured out I want to be a high school teacher. I know this means I will have to get a credential at some point in order to teach. I was just wondering what this process is like? Does this process depend on the school? Or the subject? Or the...

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 1124 views

What are the academic steps required to become a biomedical researcher?

I'm not sure of the specific field I would need to major in to pursue that career field. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #medical-research #biomedical-science

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 2050 views

What does a pharmacologist do?

I'm interested in entering the pharmaceutical field, specifically in research. I've heard that pharmacologists research new medicines, but I'm not sure about their specific job description. #pharmacy #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals #pharmacist #pharmacology

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 4494 views

What is the difference between pharmacology and a pharmacist's degree?

I'm thinking about joining the pharmaceutical field, but I'm not sure about which specific job I should pursue. #pharmacy #pharmacists #pharmaceuticals #pharmacist #pharmaceutical-industry #clinical-pharmacy

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 29, 2017 1222 views

What are the academic steps required to become a pharmacologist?

I'm interested in pursuing pharmacology as a degree and am wondering what my academic path would be in this field. #medicine #research #pharmacy #biomedical #pharmaceuticals #medicine-research #biomedical-science #pharmacology

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 22, 2017 1144 views

Is a Master's Degree required to get a good job in the biomedical research field?

My dream is to work in a laboratory doing biomedical research. I've heard there's lots of competition for this field and most companies only accept employees with a Master's Degree to do lab work. #science #research #biomedical-engineering #masters #medical-research #biomedical-science

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 22, 2017 1030 views

What are some tips for finding an internship as a high schooler?

I'm looking for an internship and am currently in high school, but I don't know how to start looking for one. I'm interested in the biomedical research field. #science #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-science

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 22, 2017 917 views

How important is to find an internship as a high schooler specifically in the field of your intended major?

My career goal is to be a biomedical researcher in the immunogenetics field, but I was wondering if it finding an internship at another research field, for example oncology or genetics, would still be helpful to me. #science #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-science

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 15, 2017 1294 views

Is it required to get a degree in biomedical engineering from to become a biomedical researcher? Or is biomedical science enough?

I'm interest in becoming a biomedical researcher and work in a lab. I'm trying to figure out what my major should be so I can plan my high school classes. #biology #research #biomedical-engineering #medical-research #biomedical-science #researcher

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Jan 15, 2017 869 views

How difficult is it to find a biomedical research job in the Silicon Valley?

I am planning to become a biomedical researcher, hopefully in California, and I'm aware that the bustle of the Silicon Valley companies provide lots of competition for finding a job. #biology #research #biomedical

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Dec 29, 2016 1347 views

What was your first job in the game development industry? Please share your experiences--the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it--with me.

Hello. I am an aspiring Game Designer/Developer who's attending college to get my Bachelor's Degree. I was just wondering to all the veterans and professionals in the Game Development world, what was your first job title working in the industry? Did you like it? Was it memorable? What game...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Dec 21, 2016 1599 views

What traits does a hiring manager look for in a graduating student who does not have years of work experience?

I am about to head into my last semester of college and have not yet found an internship. I may have to move after graduating, and was wondering what traits help an applicant/candidate get a job when they do not have the years of work experience behind them. #human-resources #hiring

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Dec 01, 2016 814 views

Which major in the business field will give me the most opportunities?

I am interested in business, but I don't know what degree will be the most desirable to companies which are hiring. #business

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Nov 30, 2016 999 views

Is it worth it to pursue an advanced degree in business?

I am interested in the pursuing business in college and want to know if the major is required to get a job in business/marketing. #business #marketing

Amit’s Avatar
Amit Nov 14, 2016 1807 views

For an undergrad freshmen students, how can they get internships in their related fields. Is it possible to get internship in the first year without any experience or broad knowledge?

I am an engineering student who want to make career in aeronautical engineering. I want to make my base strong and know as much as i can but the problem is i don't have much knowledge in this field. Also, i have heard we can get experience and practical knowledge from internships....

Ben ’s Avatar
Ben Nov 12, 2016 1142 views

How do I be successful in the advertising industry?

I would LOVE to hear some personal experiences from industry professionals. What are some things that have helped you become successful in your career in advertising? I'm studying advertising in college right now. I am currently taking a intro to advertising class this semester and I will be...

Joana’s Avatar
Joana Nov 09, 2016 1027 views

Where can I get a bachelors degree in Hospitality and Tourism?

I want a career that involves traveling around the world.
What are the best schools here in the U.S that has a bachelors degree on this? #hospitality #toruism

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 1121 views

How common is it to work in community management part-time? For example if I want a job while I’m going to college?

This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 836 views

Are any of the classes I take in high school even relevant to my future if I plan to become a community manager?

Is high school REALLY relevant to real life? For students who plan to become community managers, which specific classes are actually relevant to their future career plans? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 996 views

Is it stressful to be a community manager? How do you manage the stress in your life and do you regret the career decision?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 919 views

Do I need to have a huge social media following to get a job in community management? How huge?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 873 views

What’s one piece of career advice you wish someone told you before you started a career in community management?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 589 views

How should I dress for a community management job interview?

Should I wear something business formal? Should I dress casually? Has anyone ever showed up inappropriately dressed for an interview? What were they wearing? Bonus points: What's the _cheapest_ full outfit you think someone would need to have to meet the attire bar? (Especially helpful for...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 1282 views

What are the top three skills I need to demonstrate in community management interviews, and how can I demonstrate them?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management #job-application

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 781 views

Are community management internships common? If not, how can I get relevant experience while I’m still in school?

If they *are* common, what tips do you have for how intern candidates can stand out for the internships? Is there something they can do to go "above and beyond" to show the characteristics and personality traits you're looking for in your interns? _This is part of a question series for CMX...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 975 views

What is one thing I can do after school as a high school student to set myself up for a career in community management?

Your average high school sophomore has an hour of travel to get home after school, followed by several hours of homework. What are some things that they can do with those flex hours after school to increase their chances of being ready for a career in community management? _This is part of a...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 832 views

What did you do to stand out when you were interviewing for your community manager job? (looking for bold stories!)

For our students who have never done an interview before, they can be really intimidating! What did you do to stand out in your interviews for the job you have now as a community manager? Inspire us with your stories of how you got the job! _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 820 views

If no companies are at my college career fair for community management jobs, how can I get a start in the industry?

It's super common that I hear from students who focus 99% of their energy on college career fairs to find entry-level jobs. If community management jobs aren't available at the career fair, what can students do to get their shot at a first job? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 758 views

What are senior community managers called?

In the community management career "path", what are the job titles for the more senior people? Is this stable or is it changing, and how? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 1464 views

What are the typical work hours of a community manager?

How many hours did you work last week? How typical was that? How variable are the hours? Are they predictable? How much advance warning do you get when your schedule needs to change? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 950 views

Is community management a career path that can allow me to support a family in a big city?

Many of our students are trying to find careers that will allow them to support a future family. They need a certain level of compensation for that, and they need relatively predictable work hours to be able to accommodate kids' schedules and make ends meet. Is Community Management a profession...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 926 views

What is your lifestyle like as a community manager recently out of college?

Most of our students are very interested in how their "whole" life will look even outside of work. Given the hours you work, the compensation you get, and the stresses / joys of your job as a community manager, what does your after-work lifestyle look like? Is there time for family? For...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 774 views

How much do entry-level community management jobs pay?

Any research you could point to that would demonstrate what the entry-level salaries typically look like would be helpful. Please cite your sources on this one: even if it is annecdotal, it's better to acknowledge that. Bonus points for highlighting the differences by industry or sector or...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 711 views

Can I realistically start a career in community management remote / without moving to a big city?

Is it possible? What would it take? Is there something that our students who are unable to move to a big city (for example if they have to stay with their family or if they cannot afford to pay for a move) can do to get a remote job? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 810 views

Do I need to live in a big city to start a career in community management?

Are there particular cities where our students should plan to be if they want to get into this career? For our students who don't live in New York or San Francisco or other big cities, is it realistic to plan to do a career management career? Are there jobs out there in small cities or rural...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 768 views

What are the ups and downs of being a community manager?

It would be really helpful for many of our students to get a few ideas of the *ups* of community management and the *downs*. Sometimes making the good and bad things real can give us a better idea of if this career is right for us! _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 814 views

What is one specific moment in the last month when your job as a community manager was most difficult?

It's not all roses, right? When is community management a difficult or painful experience? What's the worst it can get, and what are the personality types that might not be a fit for the profession? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 697 views

What is one specific moment in the last month when your job as a community manager made you the happiest?

Sometimes we just need some inspiration. What is the most AWESOME aspect of your job? Can you tell us a time that was made "real" for you in the last month? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 731 views

What makes a community management job in the for-profit sector different from a community management job in the non-profit sector, and how should I decide which is better for me?

Are there differences? If so, what is the implication for you as a working professional? What should our students consider when making a decision of where to submit their resumes for those entry-level jobs? What should working professionals looking to make a career change consider? _This is...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 1105 views

How would you make a decision between pursuing a career in community management vs. marketing vs. social media?

Many of our students are evaluating multiple options. What are the differences between these professions? When is the right time for students to choose? What would you do to decide? What are some of the "if you like X, you might be a fit for Y" tips related to the community management,...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 1011 views

Is the structure of the community management career path quite stable or continuing to change?

Rumor has it the community management profession is changing. Is that true? If so, does that mean that the career path is changing as well? How should our students who are interested in careers in community management (many of whom will not be entering the workforce for several years) plan to...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 699 views

How did you get your first job in community management?

It would be inspirational to hear the story of **your** first-ever community management job! How did you get that first job? What can we all learn from how you achieved that? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are...

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