Groton, Massachusetts
How do I know which school is the right fit for me?
I have been working on applications and have a variety of schools that I've applied to. How am I supposed to know which one is the one for me?
If I want to get a career in nursing, what should I do before college to be as prepared as possible?
Is there any jobs, internships, or shadowing I should do before college to be more prepared? Or research? #Fall22
If I want to go into the medical field, should I major (undergrad) in organic chemisty or biology??
I am deciding what to major in going into my freshman year of college, and can't decide between getting a solid understanding in chemisty or biology. Which do you think?
Are internships widely avaliable for students who also have a heavy courseload??
I enjoy hands on activities and feel like getting real time experience especially in the medical field would be exponentially helpful, but I don't want to overload myself with hard classes and that responsibility
How would I go about taking formal commissions for my paintings?
For context, I am a senior in HS and would like to start making money off of traditional painting commissions, like landscape paintings, portraits, etc. I have the skills to do so, but I am wondering how I would go about establishing myself on socials and how I could create a customer base. I’m...
Which major might be a good fit for me if I am most interested in humanities or social sciences, but I want to work with people, especially kids?
I am a junior in high school, so I am still trying to figure out my interests, but my favorite subjects are English and sciences.
What makes me a good fit for a college/university?
As a fairly well-rounded student, I don't have any specific niches. I do want to be in a music program of some sort but that's common enough. Specifically, I want to know more about how college-specific programs could be something I could be a part of, in order to make an impact.
What do I do if I'm undecided on which art related major I want to choose?
I've always been passionate about the arts ever since I was a child. However, now that it's time to apply to colleges I'm stuck on deciding a major. I still think I have a lot to improve on in my artwork which school can help me with. However, I'm not quite sure which major to choose. I love...
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