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Dominick’s Avatar
Dominick Mar 24, 2015 1691 views

How long will it take before I make at least 6 figures in business management and how long will it take until I get used to my job?

I am a high school senior and I want to pursue a career in business management. I want to know what it takes to be a good business manager. #business #management

Donte’s Avatar
Donte Mar 24, 2015 6188 views

What is the percentage of people who get a job off of a computer science major ?

I am wondering how often people with this major get a job and is able to find a job fast. #computer-science #science #computer

Kyle’s Avatar
Kyle Mar 24, 2015 1455 views

What classes should I take and what classes should I avoid doing more than once for either Computer Engineering, Mathematics, or software engineering. Also, which is easier, Software or Hardware engineering.

I am a senior in high school, and I was recently accepted to Rochester Institute of Technology. I am mostly interested in Computer Engineering. and engaged in a Computer Science elective/class at my school and I was an intern at my School's network IT team which made me interested in Computer...

Leigh’s Avatar
Leigh Mar 24, 2015 1455 views

What majors should I take if I want to get into the culinary arts?

I like art and music, but I also like cooking. So what majors should I take that would satisfy this? #culinary-arts #culinary-skills

Ruby’s Avatar
Ruby Mar 24, 2015 1290 views

What can you do with a mathematics major?

I am currently a high school senior, who loves math, and was thinking of taking the major of math. #math

Leigh’s Avatar
Leigh Mar 24, 2015 4416 views

What does a record producer do, how much do they make, and is it a good start- up job for someone who likes music and art?

I am very interested in record production and I really want to know what it is like to be one. #music-recording #record-labels

Janai’s Avatar
Janai Mar 24, 2015 1327 views

What do I have to major in to get a job working in a pharmacy?

I am a senior in high school and I plan on attending college in the fall. I know when I graduate I want to work in a pharmacy; But I don't want to major in something that is not on the pathway to being a pharmacist. #nursing #scientist #pharmacists

Alissa’s Avatar
Alissa Mar 24, 2015 1322 views

For someone interested in majoring in Electrical Engineering and minoring in Music (instrumental) and Mandarin, what careers would one recommend?

I am a senior in high school who has a passion for playing the violin and self- teaching themselves languages. I recently did a summer program at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology where I studied embedded controllers and processors and discovered my passion for engineering. The issue now is...

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