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Krishia ’s Avatar
Krishia May 20, 2016 1864 views

Do school counselors' role vary depending on the grade of school they are working in?

I want to know if a school counselor's role differ in an elementary school, middle school, high school, and college due to students' age and their behaviors. I can see a school counselor in a middle school would likely to deal with behavioral issues where as high school can be different....

Camille’s Avatar
Camille May 20, 2016 967 views

If i'm going to be a psychiatrist what would my gross be?

I'm asking because I would like to know what I would earn if I'm a psychiatrist #psychology #pre-med #psychiatry

Camille’s Avatar
Camille May 20, 2016 1264 views

I want to be a clinical psychiatrist in the future. What should my steps be to achieve this goal?

I'm a senior in high school and I am intersested in becoming a clinical psychiatrist because someone inspired me and I believe in myself. #psychology #pre-med #psychiatry

Dalisha’s Avatar
Dalisha May 20, 2016 976 views

Would I be able to only stay in the pediatrics field in occupational therapy because I want to work with children? Does that include encouraging them to get physically fit and healthy again?

I originally wanted to be a pediatrician because I love working with kids and I believe that that's what I want to do with my life. I love helping people especially children. I started college as a biology major but after taking courses in Biology, I realized that Biology isn't for me. Many...

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole May 20, 2016 847 views

What would you change about the health care system if you could?

I am wondering what people think about the system now and if they would change anything to improve it or not. #healthcare

Amy’s Avatar
Amy May 20, 2016 2012 views

Does anyone have a degree in business and computer science?

Hello! When deciding on what to major, I have two ideas in mind -- one is computer science and the other is in business. Does anyone have both of these degrees and want to explain the job opportunities that have come your way? Is it helpful to have a degree in both CS and business? Are the job...

Amy’s Avatar
Amy May 20, 2016 913 views

What is it like to have a computer science degree in an international country?

In the Fall of 2016, I will be studying in NYU Shanghai. I want to have a degree in computer science and am wondering what it's like to have a CS degree outside of the United States. What jobs are available that require a CS degree ? #computer-science #computer-engineering

Fatimah’s Avatar
Fatimah May 19, 2016 790 views

What are the different career options for a student studying Psychology?

I am going to be a college Sophomore in Fall 2016 and I want to understand more about the different paths I can choose from if I continue to major in Psychology. I specifically want to become a Mental Health Psychologist. #psychology #mental-health-counseling

Beatrice’s Avatar
Beatrice May 19, 2016 1129 views

How do I become a successful model?

I would like to try it out #model #member-experience #career #career-counseling

Beatrice’s Avatar
Beatrice May 19, 2016 806 views

Is it possible to become a licenesed initerior architecture?

I would like to become a licensed interior architecture. #career

Rubylynn’s Avatar
Rubylynn May 19, 2016 872 views

How can I choose field of work that'll assure me that I'll enjoy the rest of my life working?

I am still very young, sixteen years of age, and there is yet anything that sparks my interest in terms of vocation. I'm constantly hearing that every individual inhabits a special talent, perhaps I've yet to find mine, but how can I be certain that eventually I will? This thought constantly...

Brooke ’s Avatar
Brooke May 19, 2016 834 views

How exactly does one become a theatre director?

I want a career in theatre. I've even considered being a drama teacher. I'm curious about directing though. I think I could be good at it if it what I decided to go with. #the-arts

Itay’s Avatar
Itay May 19, 2016 767 views

Is it vey difficult to get a business job in NYC upon graduation

I am interested in working in NYC upon graduation #business

l’s Avatar
l May 19, 2016 1095 views

Is it more sensible to enter an RN program vs a LPN in nursing since the LPN part time is 2 academic years?

Weighing options #nursing #medicine

l’s Avatar
l May 19, 2016 1336 views

Is it common for medical students to enter the medical field and have a nervous reaction to the sight of blood (blood phobia)?

I was accepted into a nursing program which begins at the end of August and am dead set on overcoming the fear. I believe that maybe with enough exposure, you become de-sensitized to it?? #medicine #nursing

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 19, 2016 1427 views

How To Be A Leader as A Programmer

As someone who is a natural born leader and likes to be in a position where I can mentor/lead I would like to have a leadership at in my future career. But I understands that right out of college I will be more of a worker than a leader to gain experience so that I can be a great leader in the...

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 19, 2016 1391 views

How do I manage to find out which type of accounting firm is the right one for me?

Having an accounting job after college is something I am very excited to pursue and work hard for. However, I do not know which types of firms I should apply for. I know I should go and look at all types of firms, but what makes a work-place the "right one"? #business #finance #accounting #economics

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 19, 2016 1241 views

What are the most efficient ways to obtain an internship in an accounting firm during my college career?

I plan to be an accountant and I want to have as much experience as I can receive to prepare me for my job after college. I want to find out the right path for an accountant major. #business #finance #accounting

Lindsay’s Avatar
Lindsay May 19, 2016 1425 views

How vast is the overlap between a career as a translator and a career as an interpreter?

At the moment I am studying Spanish Translation & Interpretation in undergraduate school. I adore reading and writing, but I also value the spoken and listening aspect of language as well, and therefore feel that I would be suited professionally not just for translation, but also for...

Lindsay’s Avatar
Lindsay May 19, 2016 1920 views

How does a PhD program work as opposed to a Masters program? What does it entail?

Hi, I'm an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Spanish Translation & Interpretation and I'm interested in pursuing a Doctorate after I graduate. However, I've heard a number of different explanations of what a PhD program entails and I am honestly so...

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian May 19, 2016 1175 views

Game Programmer Vs App/Software Programmer

I have been in love with computers and technology all of my life and starting next year I am perusing a degree in Computer Science. One of the questions that I still have is how should I go about how to deciding whether if I should be a game programmer or a app/software programmer? The...

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas May 18, 2016 695 views

Is working for an NGO or a Government entity more useful for helping enact a positive change and gain practical experience?

My undergraduate research used data from both governmental and non-governmental agencies to assess local water quality. I wanted to know which route would provide me with better experience? #environmental-science

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas May 18, 2016 775 views

In the field of environmental science, how relevant will a Ph.D or Master's degree be?

I just finished my undergraduate career and will be entering into a Master's program this fall (2016). I am attempting to figure out whether a Master's degree is sufficient to begin a career or if it would be better to persue a Ph.D immediately after the graduate program. I know it's a little...

Sebastien’s Avatar
Sebastien May 18, 2016 904 views

Is voluntary services in a specific work setting considered as experience to other job hiring officials?

I want a business management minor, but my focus is culinary arts. If I volunteer at a local restaurant, would that time spent be considered as experience in the field to others? #business #volunteering #culinary-arts #volunteer

Meherunisa’s Avatar
Meherunisa May 18, 2016 2453 views

Do you believe accounting is boring (college classes/ career)?

I'm going to be starting college this fall as an accounting major, but now I'm not so sure because everyone's telling me that it's not an interesting field to be in. #accounting #major

BRANDON’s Avatar
BRANDON May 18, 2016 2759 views

What's the average amount of hours Finance Analyst contribute in work on a weekly basis? Do they stay happy?

I heard working as a finance analyst often requires staying in the office for more hours than the average 9-5 worker. Will I have a life if I pursue this career? #business #finance #economics

Meherunisa’s Avatar
Meherunisa May 18, 2016 1537 views

Do you believe accounting is a solid career to pursue/is it in high demand?

I wanted to go into accounting and was wondering if it is a safe career choice.

BRANDON’s Avatar
BRANDON May 18, 2016 1037 views

Is it smart to have a Bachelor's/Master's in business as a backup while you're trying to pursue a career in a different industry (ie. entertainment, music, theater, etc.)?

I have a strong passion for performing arts, specifically theatre. However, I know being an actor does not always guarantee a stable job every moment of your life. Therefore, people have told me to have a Plan B career and I've chosen on that to be Finance. I was just wondering if I'd have to...

Senad’s Avatar
Senad May 18, 2016 982 views

What is the best way to find a good internship or externship for business?

I want to gain experience in what I'm trying to do in the future. #business #marketing

Lily ’s Avatar
Lily May 18, 2016 996 views

How do I go about finding internships in my college years pertaining to psychology?

I am very interested in psychology and the human brain and how we act and behave. I would like to start working with psychologists during my college years to get a feel of what it will be like for me. #psychology #clinical-psychology #psychologist

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