Honea Path, South Carolina

Does anyone teach piano?
Hi I'm maggie but I play piano for my church but I'm looking to get better at it by a professional? anyone feeling needy to help?

Would I be able to job shadow a tattoo artist?
Hi my names Maggie and I'm looking forward to job shadowing the Feb ,13th!!! Any reason why I wouldn't be able to job shadow a tattoo artist?

can I job shadow a bartender and be 12 years old
Can I job shadow as a bartender at 12? I don't even know because there's not any research from where I'm looking at.

What is the best way to stand out from the pack when new grad job searching?
Hello all, I am one semester away from graduating with a bachelor's in IT, and I have been struggling in the job-search sector for quite some time now in search of a full-time post-grad position. I have been using linked in premium and noticed how many people there are consistently applying for...

Caareer journey ?
What i Is your name?
Why did you choose this particular carrier?
What’s career did you choose?
How are you going to solve problems in your career?
How is your career journey going?

When you are in police academy for one of your training sections do you have to get tazed and pepper sprayed?
I have many things that I want to be when I grow up and this is the one that I am most comfidiant about being because I want to save people. This is not for my benifet this is for the people that I care about.

How do I get into politics by creating my own notarized documents without a degree?
Do you have to get a degree to become a political professional who also is a computer software engineer? The logical explanation for this is that I dropped out of high school in senior year because I realized that a piece of paper can not explain my level of intelligence. I decided to do all...

How to improve my cyber security skill ?
I am eager to learn cyber security but finding the right resources has always been a tiring work, and I don't have any money to buy courses online, so are there free alternatives?

How do you become a genetics researcher?
What is the best college path to take to become a genetics researcher?

What is the hardest thing about going into the genetics field?
After getting your degrees in genetics what is the hardest part of finding or going into a career in that field?

What does minor and major mean in college?
I’m 15 years old and I’m stressfully trying to prepare for college because my brother is a senior and I’m a sophomore. So all I hear his stuff about college and being prepared for college. While also focusing on high school.

Most important thing you've learned in Material Distribution ?
What were your goals?

How did you get started in Fashion?
And Where are you now? What's your favorite part of studying/working in Fashion?

What gpa do you need to go to med school ?
What gpa do you need to go to medical school and do you need to already know what you want to be? Also how hard is it to do anything with neurology and is it worth it?

What are some tips on how to start your own business?
I’m trying to get into the fashion design industry and I’d like a few tips on where to start.

How do I become a ultra sound tech?
I am currently in my senior year of high school and I was wondering what do I major in and do I join interns or programs to start being a ultrasound technician.

how do you solve a problem with a coworker?
you can solve it by talking it out with them in a public place

What kind of college would be best for a student with a not so amazing Gpa?
I am 100% wanting to go to college but do to test anxiety my grades aren’t so amazing making my Gpa not the best either so with that would a 2 yr tech college be better to apply to instead of a 4 yr university?

Should I go to college as soon as I’m done with high school ?
I’m planning on being a chef

How to become a choreographer ?
How to become a successful dancer or choreographer for famous celebrities or how to fight for criminal-justice going around in the world and streets.

what was your path to becoming a teacher?
school to colloge to teaching carrrer

Why is c++ considered one of the toughest languages to learn?
Why is c++ considered one of the toughest languages to learn?

How can I do my best to find the college that suits me best with the things I want?
Like colleges that have a good softball program, colleges that offer a good marinebiology or zoology program?

What jobs would I be interested in with my field of choice?
If I were to become a chemical engineer, what jobs in that specific field would be avalible and benefit me most, and what jobs would give me the most money I could make?

In the field of Physical Therapy, do you have to change bandages for patients when they come in after surgery? If so do you have to do that? Or can only certain people be eligible to do things like that?
In the field of Physical Therapy, do you have to change bandages for patients when they come in after surgery? If so do you have to do that? Or can only certain people be eligible to do things like that?
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