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Lone Tree, Colorado

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Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Feb 19, 2019 444 views

What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

What part of your job do you enjoy? #whatisthemeaningoflife

Jadyn’s Avatar
Jadyn Feb 19, 2019 1030 views

What do you enjoy the most about your career?

#happiness #hello #positivity #behappy #career

Jane’s Avatar
Jane Feb 19, 2019 711 views

What are the pros and cons to the Graphic Design field?

I am a high school senior that is interested in Graphic Design as a future career, however, there are many opinions surrounding the field and I want to know what are the pros and cons to this field. #graphic-design #art #design #web-design #computer

Jean’s Avatar
Jean Feb 19, 2019 651 views

Tupac or Biggie?

Tupac had a big fan base on the west coast and biggie had a big fan base on the east coast #TupacBiggie

Anaka’s Avatar
Anaka Feb 19, 2019 1751 views

What is the hardest part of being in the military?

#marinecorps #military

Anaka’s Avatar
Anaka Feb 19, 2019 1205 views

Is it better to take a year off or go straight into college after graduating high school?

#higher-education #college

Kathy’s Avatar
Kathy Dec 12, 2018 918 views

I'm considering web development, database administration, and software development/programming. How can I tell which area would be right for me?

#software-development #computer-software #programming #technology I have a bachelor's degree unrelated to CS. I'm looking at either a boot camp, an AAS degree or maybe another bachelor's in CS. My kids are almost out of high school so I'm looking for a big change and something I can really...

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Oct 23, 2018 636 views

What do I do if I am certain about which career path I want to be on when I enter the Masters program but that focus changes?

I will be entering the MSW program soon. The program offers 3 different focuses. What do I do if I begin the program with one path selected but then my experiences in the program cause me to want to switch paths?


Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Oct 23, 2018 435 views

When preparing to begin writing your doctorate thesis, how do you go about choosing a topic?

I will be entering the field of Social Work soon and I would like to really dive in when I write my thesis, but how do I pick the topic?


Devin’s Avatar
Devin Oct 16, 2018 1095 views

How does this scholarship work

Will this be a random drawing or just a one person scholarship? #school #scholarship #financial-aid #college #money

Muntasir’s Avatar
Muntasir Aug 31, 2018 1136 views

Should I study abroad?

I really want to travel while I'm in college but I don't have very much free time therefore studying abroad seems like a good idea. However, I don't have the funds for it. Should I take out a loan? Is it worth it?

Muntasir’s Avatar
Muntasir Aug 31, 2018 913 views

Is a Physics major smart?

I've always had a love for science and a career in physics would be perfect. However, the job field for physics majors is very competitive and finding a good job that isn't a high school teacher is rare. Should I still pursue this major?
#physics #major

Aubriee’s Avatar
Aubriee Aug 29, 2018 730 views

What topic/skills should one person practice to be the most successful in Vet School?

I know how competitive vet school so what are some topic/skills should one person practice to be the most successful in Vet School? #veterinarian #vet #veterinary #animals #biology #veterinary-medicine #animal-health

Aubriee’s Avatar
Aubriee Aug 29, 2018 876 views

What other things can I do to get into college Vet school?

I have good grades and I volunteer at a animal shelter in the clinic. But I am still worried I will not get in to the university I want to go let a lone get in to vet school, Especially since it is really competitive. #veterinarian #school #veterinary

Lauryn’s Avatar
Lauryn Aug 27, 2018 656 views

How do I find the best scholarships for school?

#scholarships #college

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