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Arfa’s Avatar
Arfa Mar 26, 2018 853 views

Why do most individuals that have a pre-med track do their major in biology?

Hi, I am currently a senior in high school who will be attending college this fall semester. I aspire to become a doctor one day. I understand that I would have to be on the pre-med track in college to be considered by medical schools. I am a little confused on my major right now. I did ask a...

Zuhaad’s Avatar
Zuhaad Mar 23, 2018 1687 views

How much expenses do the doctors have to pay?

I know doctors make a good amount of money but how much do they have to pay via taxes, college, and other fees if there are any? Also, since there are many fields in medicine, is it possible to become a doctor in two professions at once? Like being a psychiatrist and a dermatologist? #medicine...

Zuhaad’s Avatar
Zuhaad Mar 23, 2018 691 views

How is a dermatologists life outside of work?

I aspire to be a dermatologist and I wonder how their life is outside of work. Like do they have a lot of free time if any and what are their typical hours? Also, do they always work at a hospital or can they have their own business? #medicine #business #dermatologist

Marysol’s Avatar
Marysol Mar 20, 2018 713 views

The best ways to pay off student loans?

Every year, medical school loans tend to increase. What are some ways some young physicians have figured out how to pay off their loans without completely sacrificing their lifestyle?

#medicine, #student-loans #college

Marysol’s Avatar
Marysol Mar 20, 2018 868 views

What are the best ways to deal with physician burnout?

I plan on entering medical school in the fall and I'm preparing myself to have a way of combatting physician fatigue. I think it will be worst during residency so I want to have these techniques under my belt before then. Thank you for reading!

#medicine #self-care

Nadine-Marie’s Avatar
Nadine-Marie Mar 19, 2018 1085 views

Is getting an Electrician’s License after earning a B.S. in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) wise?

I am a College Senior majoring in Electrical Engineering. My long-term goals include: 1) using what I learned in school to create, build, and repair things; and 2) owning an Engineering firm. I, therefore, think learning a technical skill similar to my present major might be very...

Nadine-Marie’s Avatar
Nadine-Marie Mar 19, 2018 552 views

What is the best way to continue practicing what you learned in your Engineering courses?

I am a College Senior majoring in Electrical Engineering. I love my major, but I feel that some classmates have a lot more hands-on experience and practice than I do. What is the best way to continue review of engineering materials after the semester ends and get more hands-on experience?...

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Mar 18, 2018 894 views

How focused is an economics major on fiance/business?

I'm thinking about majoring in Economics, but I have very little interest in going into a career related to Wall Street, the stock market, etc, or continuing on to business school. I'm most interested in economics research in behavioral economics, and some in policy. To what extent would a...

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Mar 18, 2018 537 views

Are there any problems with entering college in the spring semester?

I've recently gotten accepted to a good college, but with admission deferred to spring semester. Once I get in, I'll be student just like any students, but I was wondering if there were any academic or social problems with not entering in the fall with most admitted freshman. Does anyone have...

Avika’s Avatar
Avika Mar 15, 2018 549 views

How important are internships before college?

I am going to college next year and I haven't done any internships yet. I plan on doing some during the summer after my freshman year. Do companies put emphasis on internships before college? #internships

Avika’s Avatar
Avika Mar 15, 2018 914 views

What are the hardest parts of learning to code?

I am going to be majoring in computer science so I want to know and start preparing.

#computer-science #technology

Atiya’s Avatar
Atiya Mar 14, 2018 981 views

What is it like to work as a fashion magazine editor or journalist?

I am considering pursuing fashion journalism, but I don't know what the lifestyle of a journalist is. Is it mostly a desk job or would there be more walking around?
#fashion #journalism #choosing-a-career

Atiya’s Avatar
Atiya Mar 14, 2018 605 views

If I chose finance as my major, how difficult would it be if I decided to later pursue medical or law school?

I have many interests, and I am still somewhat undecided. I want to keep my options open, but I don't know if I would be able to pursue more than one interest in college.
Thank you.
#undecided #medicine #finance #choosing-a-major

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 11, 2018 1207 views

What influence have the classics had on your understanding of literature?

Interested in further pursuing ancient Greek or Latin, curious as to how deeper study in those areas influences literary perceptions. #english-literature #classical-studies #literature #college-major

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 10, 2018 838 views

What's the most difficult or unexpected aspect of a career as a chemical engineer or materials scientist?

I'm incredibly fond of the idea of melding my interests in both chemistry and engineering/experimental work, and I'm interested in what the challenges of these fields might be, or how they might differ. #engineering #chemical-engineering #materials-science

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