Career questions tagged honors

Should I be worried about honors algebra 2 and honors Spanish 2?
I’m a freshman in highschool, and have been for almost a month and a half now. The opportunity to switch to all honors classes + AP human geography has been presented to me and I am confident about most of my classes except for honors Algebra 2 and honors Spanish 2. I am not struggling at all in these classes, and I have a high A (96+) in both of them. My counselor said it was the same curriculum but I am still so afraid! I fear that I would be biting off more than I can chew if I take ALL honors + an AP class. I’m in regular classes right now (regular Algebra 2, regular Spanish, regular English, etc…) and It’s all very easy for me. Despite it being the same curriculum, would everything be more intense? Are the teachers less lax in these classes? Would I be bombarded with work from the switch? I can make a decision by the end of this week (end of marking period 1) And I will likely choose honors. But what’s the point of taking classes that look good if I just struggle and fail them? I have very good grades right now. Mostly ease in all my classes. Lowest grade is a 96 while my highest is a 100. Would that change if I go into harder classes? What am I putting myself into? What should I expect from taking these honors classes, and more specifically honors algebra 2 and honors Spanish 2.

What to do if I have no APs/Honors/Extracurriculars (a shy homeschooled Junior in HS who wants to pursue either becoming a lawyer or something in the forensic science area)?
I feel very behind and stressed because though I do make good grades, I know that I should have at least a few of these things but I don’t. I know the best way is for me to just do something about it but I’m not sure on how to go about it. I also feel stressed because I’m not 100% for sure which career path I should pursue: law or forensic science. I will take any advice. Do you think that it would be a good idea if I take any APs/Honors next year or will it be too late? I was thinking of taking dual enrollment next year and some CLEP exams this year. And, what extracurriculars should I do as of now, and for my senior year—ones that match the careers i want to do or a variety of different things that interest me? (sorry if i got off topic!!!) Thank you in advance because any help/advice will be appreciated!

Should I quit my sport?
I'm currently in 9th grade and have been doing rhythmic gymnastic since around 4-5 grade. I've been wondering if I should quit since I practice 4 hours a day on school days and haven't been getting enough sleep or good grades. Currently I have all As except for 2 subjects which are Bs, but I think I can do better. I am also taking all the hardest classes available in my school for a freshman. I really love my team but I don't know if rhythmic is my sport since I'm now in level 8 and I'm not as flexible as I used to be, therefore I'm at a huge disadvantage. I have also been wanting to quit for several years now however never had the courage to. It's been part of who I am for such a long time, but I just don't think it's right for me anymore. I really love the sport but I don't think I'm good at it anymore, or will be again in the future. Since I'll only get less flexible. I believe my coach really does want the best for us but most practices are wasted because she's not in the mood to correct us. I also see no future for me in the sport, and I don't think it will be good for collage app since basically no collage has a rhythmic gymnasts team/ I have to decide whether or not I want to quit since we have to start signing up for competition in 2 weeks, and if I don't quit this year I'm not quiting next year since I want to be able to start sometime else and get better at it PLEASE HELP! (If I quit I will start trying new sports starting with gymnastic)

Should I take Honors Organic Chemistry and AP Chemistry together?
I will be going into 11th grade next year, and I'm interested in going into Pre-Med. Here is my schedule for next year: Hon. Pre-Calc w/ Trig AP US History AP English 3 Hon. French IV AP Chemistry String Orchestra (Gym) I have space for 1 elective, so I was wondering if it would be better to take Organic Chemistry next year or senior year... if not, I can take Hon. Anatomy and Physiology instead. Based on how much coursework / content there will be, do you have any advice or recommendations? I am planning on doing AP Chem + Org. Chem together and AP Biology + Anatomy/Physiology together. Any thoughts? Thank you! #high-school-student #chemistry #AP #Honors #organic-chemistry #courses #sophomore

Do colleges take rigor into account when giving Merit/Academic Scholarships?
For Merit/Academic Scholarships, is it better to get an A in a normal class, or a B in an Honors/AP/College class? #college #scholarship #college-advice #financial-aid #money #student #ap #academic #merit #honors #act #sat #career #college-admissions

What are tips to build strong study habits, especially with honors and AP classes?
#study #studyskills #studytips #organizational #timemanagement #honors #ap

Does NHS matter?
At my school, there are a bunch of kids who are in NHS, and they are always praised for their service. When I look at the members, there are some really smart kids in there, but most of them are average students. So my question is, does NHS matter? #NHS #nationalhonorsociety #resume #honors #college-applications

Can you get your honors degree early?
Ive been really thinking about what I want to do in terms of careers and post-secondary education and Ive decided that I would like to get my Phd in psychology. The problem that arises is that I don't wanna spend ten years in university. So, I wanted to know if there is anyway to fast- track my honors degree to get it in less than four years. Thanks for your help. #honors #university #psychology #clinical-psychology

Am I more appealing to potential companies and organizations if I graduate with honors?
#honors #graduation

Is it better to take an honors course or not?
I've heard from some people that you should take honors courses in college because it looks good on resumes and puts you in classes with other goal-oriented people, but I've also heard from other people that it's not worth it because it's a lot of extra work and will just end up giving you a lower grade in the class. #honors? #what-is-best? ##i-am-not-sure-what-i-want-to-do