Career questions tagged lessons

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Pearl507 views

Where/how to do lessons while being safe?

I live in Hawaii. Anyone who has ever watched "The Sound of Freedom" knows that looking for a teaching place or even a website to learn or do something can be shady or scary to find/be in. Any tips on how to find the right one? I want to look for places or teaching websites that can teach me Acting, Animation (3D/2D), Music creating, and Story-writing. (Note: Individual places/lessons are what I am looking for, not a whole place that does all that, but ones that have a mix of them would be awesome.) My budget would range, but if I can get some parts down, I can do the rest later. Anything helps!

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Brenda6283 views

What are some important experiences or lessons you've learned from your own careers that could be helpful for others to know?

What specific skills or knowledge have those experiences taught you? Have they shaped you into the person you are today, and how? This can be a wide range of experiences/lessons such as learning how to balance work and life or how to overcome setbacks. I am currently planning on going into the medical field, and I would like to know your own valuable lessons that you've gained throughout your life/career to help guide me through my career path.

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undefined's avatar
Voc720 views

How to set up teaching lessons?

#teaching #lessons

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undefined's avatar
Voc781 views

How do teachers set up lessons?

#lessons #teacher

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