Career questions tagged us-navy

Should I go in the Navy or go for my master’s degree when I turn 18?
I’m currently fourteen and starting University next month, I’m on track to graduate with my bachelors by the time I turn eighteen. I’ve wanted to join the Navy since I was a little kid, and I will, but should I finish with my master’s and then go into the Navy? Or go finish my master’s when I retire?

Any advice on getting into the Naval Academy?
I have great extracurriculars (awards for music at the state level, appointed to a state government commission/hold an elected positions, student government president for entire county, student government executive board member at state level, internship with my state senator). I also have strong academics with high honor role and a 4.00 unweighted GPA. All my AP tests have been 5s so far. However, I'm nervous I don't have enough STEM focus in my extracurriculars. I am a member of a coding club at my school and got a scholarship to an AI coding camp this summer, but that's all. Is taking rigorous science/math courses? I'm taking App Development, AP Chem, and AP Calc next year (going to be a junior).

Questions regarding about Navy Corpsmen/Corpsmen who served with USMC
Hello, my name is Nathan D and I'm a high school student looking to contact with both Corpsmen in service or discharged from their duties. I have 10 questions I would like to ask if someone from this occupation comes by this. 1) What rank and position did you or currently hold? 2) What education have you undergone before your enlistment? 3) Have you worked in any previous occupations before your enlistment? 4) Have you completed college? Did you have a degree when you enlisted? 5) Did you serve alongside the USMC or did you stick with being alongside the Navy? 6) What programs or training had you undergone in order to become a Corpsman? 7) Where were you deployed during your service? 8) Have you been in a tour of duty? 9) What services do you offer as a Corpsman to other service men? 10) How long did you serve for? Thank you if you came to stop by and take the time to answer these questions, your service is appreciated.

Does the Air force or the Navy have better benefits?
I have been debating on whether or not I should join the military. If I did I would either join the Air force or the Navy. they both will give me great benefits for college and for my career field aeronautical engineering. #air-force #navy #us-navy #military

I want to be a navy officer, but my family isn't able to pay for my education. How do I get a scholarship?
I want to be a navy officer, but I would need a scholarship to become one. Are there any scholarships available? If so, what are they? #military #police-officer #army #navy #united-states-navy #marine-corps-officer #us-navy