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Hamish Green’s Avatar

Hamish Green

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
19 Answers
22905 Reads
12 Karma

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Jiale’s Avatar
Jiale Apr 04, 2022 656 views

Does building lego counts as a type of engineering?

Galileo student, loves engineering.

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 04, 2022 786 views

What are the requirements of being a data scientist?

Hello, I would like to ask questions about what you would need in order to become a good data scientist, as it does sound interesting.

Shaina’s Avatar
Shaina Apr 04, 2022 1357 views

How can I have experience in the Project Management field?

I am going to be a project manager in the future and I'm currently working on my passion project. Should I make a project management proposal with documentation to display the efforts of the "passion project" I've done? If so, Can you suggest sites or resources on how to make a project proposal?

Ramiro’s Avatar
Ramiro Jul 22, 2020 872 views

How to gain experience for big tech companies

I have a Computer Science AS degree and do not have work experience. I find myself in a tough spot. However, I am still continuing my studies, but I need to start getting some real work experience according to my professors. I do not know where to start or where could I get accepted to get...

Shira’s Avatar
Shira Jul 22, 2020 685 views

I am interested in the way humans move.

What are good career paths for someone who is interested in kinesiology? #kinesiology #JULY20

Celia’s Avatar
Celia Jul 18, 2020 872 views

What are some ways college students can build up their resume during COVID-19?

#skills #collegestudents #coronavirus #JULY20

Diogenes’s Avatar
Diogenes Jul 21, 2020 1578 views

What are good ways to improve your speaking abilities?

For example, in work meetings.
#internship #intern

Ceclina’s Avatar
Ceclina Jul 20, 2020 993 views

How did you learn the basics of coding?

I want to learn, but do not know where to start.


Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Sep 13, 2019 740 views

What are come of the cdhallenges of being a truck driver?

#TruckDriving #Challenges # Career

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 06, 2016 1161 views

If you are an architecture student who is interested in starting a local practice, how would you go about establishing things after college graduation?

I am an architecture student who seeks to start my own practice in the city of Detroit eventually after I graduate from the University of Michigan school of architecture and urban planning. Starting my own practice, refurbishing old buildings and providing eco friendly shelter for the homeless...

John’s Avatar
John Sep 28, 2017 860 views

Are the jobs for CADD Drafters common or in high demand?

I am planning on getting a 2 year degree in CADD Drafting, because it's something I am very interested in, and I would like to know if I would be able to get a job after I get my degree.

#design #computer-aided-drafting #drafting

Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn Apr 05, 2018 958 views

I'm looking to open a bookshop- how might I go about doing that?

Focus would mainly be on YA/NA books (both fiction and nonfiction). #books #bookshop #small-business #entrepreneur

Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Jan 17, 2018 913 views

As an aspiring entrepreneur how much of my future is dictated by the stock market rather than actual product and marketing produced?

I’m asking because the chances of becoming a multimillionaire as an Entrepreneur rival that of making the NFl, so I wanted to know if early participation in the global stock market will raise my chances of success in the long run.#business #wealth #stocks #marketing-and-advertising #product...

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jun 03, 2020 7027 views

Has making your hobby and passion, specifically art, as your career, ruined your enjoyment for it?

I have always loved making art and have been told by many that I should go into a line of work with art involved. However, I fear that once it becomes an assignment or requirement, I will find inspiration hard to come by and will no longer enjoy it; therefore, not doing my best work. #art #career

Kasuba’s Avatar
Kasuba Jun 02, 2020 745 views

How do I get opportunities to work with more serious organizations and have more serious positions rather than volunteer or internship positions? How can I ensure I stand out?

I am a female in my early 20’s. I have an undergrad bachelors in Finance. However, along the way during my undergrad studies, my interests changed and I felt a deep and personal connection to non-profits and working to promote gender equality and helping young African girls access education....