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Michael Valiante’s Avatar

Michael Valiante

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
24 Answers
46895 Reads
22 Karma

Active Locations

Drake’s Avatar
Drake Nov 14, 2019 1799 views

Are there a lot of job openings for insurance agents right now?

#insurance #job-openings

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny Jul 31, 2020 1830 views

Do I need a license to work in the Insurance field?

I am currently in my second-year of post-secondary in the insurance field. However, I am not too sure if I need some sort of license after I graduate or if a bachelor's degree is good enough. In addition, if I do need a license, can I just do the license while I am still in school? Or do I have...

Scarlett’s Avatar
Scarlett Sep 27, 2021 1584 views

Describe your overall experience working in insurance. Is there anything in particular you think it super rewarding working in this field?

#insurance #entrepreneur #business

Karen’s Avatar
Karen May 16, 2018 4197 views

What is a 401K and should I apply for one in my first job?

As I prepare to go into my career, I know insurances and benefits are a huge part of accepting a job. I have never really understood what a 401K is and if I need to apply for it! #401k #insurance #interviews #job-applications

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny Jul 31, 2020 1789 views

What can I expect in the Insurance field? (underwriting, claims, etc)

I am currently in an insurance program in my post-secondary school however, I am not that exposed to it. The main courses for the program don't begin until my third year and I do not know what I am really getting myself in to. I was wondering if any of you could explain the different roles in...

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Jul 07, 2021 664 views

I want to able to play professional football after College, are there any tips?

#sports #football #athletics

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jun 27, 2021 1277 views

What classes should I take in college if I am undecided ?

I am 18 years old and I start college in the Fall I do not know what I want to study and I have many interests such as Dance, Psychology, Nursing, Business, Photography. I am the type to change my mind a lot and I am not sure what I want to focus on. #college #business #college-major #major

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Jul 04, 2021 737 views

What is something I can do at home to get me out my comfort zone and bad habits?

#career #personal-development #career-choice #college #college-advice

Asia’s Avatar
Asia Jul 06, 2021 698 views

How will I start and manage my own business

#entrepreneur #business #design #management #money

Donovan’s Avatar
Donovan Jul 02, 2021 557 views

What is this website all about

My name is Donovan. I"m 16 going into 12th grade this September. One thing I look forward to into looking into this website is finding more about the career goal I'm pursuing which is becoming a therapist. #psychology

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jul 06, 2021 917 views

What’s the best way to identify what career you should do?

I’m independent and consider myself a bit of an overachiever or a successor as I have found ways to go around obstacles and complete task #college #career

Ian’s Avatar
Ian Jul 20, 2020 1693 views

Beside internships, how can college students build their professional development toward entry-level careers?

#college-student #human-resources #professional-development #JULY20

Roxanne’s Avatar
Roxanne Jul 19, 2020 1091 views

In your opinion, has getting a certification in something made it easier and beneficial with getting a position with what was studied?

ive got alot of experience in medical billing / coding / collections ....will i make more with the cert?

#teamharper #adulted #medicalbillingandcoding #medcollections #july20

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Jul 22, 2020 723 views

what is it like going away for college?

#college #entertainment

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 09, 2020 15012 views

Can you give some examples of your problem-solving skills?

#teaching #career #personal-development