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Stephen Ramirtha’s Avatar

Stephen Ramirtha

People Manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Scottsdale, Arizona
18 Answers
19796 Reads
82 Karma



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Jack’s Avatar
Jack Sep 28, 2023 787 views

How do I advertise my games once I have made them?

I have no other information for this question.

Lanie’s Avatar
Lanie Jun 19, 2022 1094 views

What careers involve art?

I love art, and has always imagined my life in a field of art, but as I have grown older, I have learned there is no money in it and it is unsustainable. Does anyone know about careers in art that make a livable wage?

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Feb 11, 2022 1682 views

What are the best AP classes are the best to take even if your are undecided in college major?

I am still young and have a lot to decide but will be in high school soon and need to figure everything out! #academic-advising Edit: It is now October of 2022. I have moved farther up in my schooling, still not quite there but getting closer and more eager to continue my education! I do...

malcolm’s Avatar
malcolm Nov 22, 2021 606 views

What are good editing soft wares for streamer/content creators who have just started out, and what should they try to get later on?

I want to become a gaming content creator but i'm not really sure what are good editing soft wares since I just started out and I also want to know what I should get later on #technology #streaming #editing

ruiling’s Avatar
ruiling Nov 23, 2021 763 views

How can I be more efficient in my daily routines? How can I be more focused on school work?

Hi! I am a college student. I used to be living at home before coming to college, I will have breakfast waken up, and now everything is so different. The first thing I did when I wake up is make my bed, and then I have to wait for the laundry room to be ready, and I cleaned my cup, then I...

Breezy28’s Avatar
Breezy28 Nov 23, 2021 4899 views

what are the negative side of social media that we are not aware of?

Just a student and wants to keep exploring. #social-media #communications

Frances’s Avatar
Frances Aug 31, 2021 563 views

How long does it take to train for esports? How long does it take to get 1,000 subs on YouTube

I'm looking into a gaming career. #esports

Eryx’s Avatar
Eryx Sep 09, 2021 623 views

How can I effectively use timing in animation?

I am not sure when a character or object should move in some situations. #animation

andy’s Avatar
andy Mar 11, 2021 632 views

Is being a graphic designer stressful?

I am student. Sort of interested in the career. #student

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Mar 11, 2021 2120 views

What age should I start investing?

I am a student and I am curious about how the stock market works. #career #general #professors #stocks #life #business #invest #finance #success #marketing

Rheanna’s Avatar
Rheanna Nov 06, 2020 740 views

How do I know I'm going into the right field?

I'm planning on going to school for Kinesiology/ Exercise Science because I love helping others rehabilitate.

Connor’s Avatar
Connor Nov 05, 2020 739 views

How do I know what to be when I grow up?

I'm having trouble on what to be and its kind of bothering me a lot and I honestly have no clue anymore. #careerchoice #people #career-choice #jobs #job

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Nov 02, 2020 792 views

I have mental illness and have worried all my life if i will ever be able to get a job. Will I?

I have autism ADHD and anxiety will I be able to get a job when I'm older? #k-12-education #jobs #first-job

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 03, 2020 758 views

Is it okay to be more artistic/creative with your resume if you're applying for a more creative job?

Office Hours #1: Resume Writing with Judy Park [39:48] This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was resume...

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 03, 2020 832 views

How can I pinpoint transferrable skills from an old job to a new job in a new industry domain?

Office Hours #1: Resume Writing with Judy Park [34:47] This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was resume...