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Ellen Rosenthal’s Avatar

Ellen Rosenthal

Retired Art Teacher
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Woodbridge, Virginia
239 Answers
301054 Reads
1072 Karma


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jaydyn’s Avatar
jaydyn Apr 26, 2023 449 views

It's fairly known that a lot of tattoo artists are competitive. some are so competitive that it becomes toxic, so if i were to become an artist or piercer, would that environment burn me out? I see very mixed opinions about it so its a question i wanted to ask.

i have family and family friends who are artists and i just hear a lot of mixed opinions about the environment

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Mar 16, 2019 864 views

i want to be an interior designer but i dont know what subjects i need to get into a design college, any help?

i want to be an interior designer, i dont really know what subjects i need for interior design, im planning on taking chemistry, human biology, geography, art, english, english literature and then other subjects that are mandatory so they dont matter. any advice on which ones i should take?...

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Apr 23, 2023 1165 views

How is art and interior design connected? What are the other careers that connect with art and how?

I'm trying to figure out what careers are connected with art and how they are. I have an assignment for class and I enjoy art and decorating, but I would also like to learn what other careers have to do with art.

na'kiyah’s Avatar
na'kiyah Apr 14, 2023 2674 views

What colors make you feel better ?

Light, dark, neutral ?

na'kiyah’s Avatar
na'kiyah Apr 14, 2023 674 views

How do you feel about interior design ?

How does it make you feel?

Kimora’s Avatar
Kimora Apr 15, 2023 1052 views

How to become a successful designer??

Any tips or things that I can be doing at this age to benefit whenever I get older??

Yili’s Avatar
Yili Apr 11, 2023 688 views

How to build an art portfolio?

What should be included? When will I need it?

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Sep 01, 2017 3242 views

I'm a graphic designer, but I can't draw. Will this hurt me?

I'm a graphic designer (think layouts, typography graphics, and aesthetic designs) but I've never been able to draw. Seeing as that's a big part of designing, will this hurt me in a real world setting? Might be important to note that I do actually also have a background in photography, so I...

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Apr 09, 2023 920 views

Is it worth it getting an associates in illustration?

I am a high school student who is working on getting my bachelors in communications integrated with media management through dual enrollment. Since I will be graduating college two years early, I am trying to think about more schooling options. I love art and I think illustration will pair...

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Apr 05, 2023 1169 views

Can I get a masters of fine arts or a masters of graphic design if I get a bachelors in communications with a concentration in media management?

I am wondering if a creative type of masters if possible

aurora’s Avatar
aurora Apr 03, 2023 895 views

How do i know i want to go into art??

I love art but what if i get burned out? its a fun hobby but being FORCED to do it might take the fun away?

Charlie’s Avatar
Charlie Mar 23, 2023 664 views

How can I find my ideal university and career major when I start working?

- I like music, it's a need in my everyday life.
- I like to draw and I think i can draw pretty well
- I like to design everything, especially when it's functional
- I'd like to be a celebrity

Shana’s Avatar
Shana Mar 14, 2023 711 views

How do I get started in graphic design?

I'm interested in posters and collages but I don't know much about graphic design.

Yili’s Avatar
Yili Mar 03, 2023 1468 views

How much schooling do I need to become an artist?

I am currently a senior in high school, what are some good art colleges and what degree would becoming an artist need?

Yili’s Avatar
Yili Mar 03, 2023 1194 views

How could I get better in drawing?

I am currently a senior in high school and planning to major in art in college, but most of my skills now are learned by watching tutorials online, what are some tips to get better?