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Nickolas’s Avatar
Nickolas Oct 30, 2017 11010 views

Does Cyber Security require alot of math?

Lets just say I am no math buff, It has to be my worst subject.
I have always had a hard time with mathematics,and I am curious is Cyber Security require alot of math or not.
#cybersecurity #computer-security #computer-networking #computer-and-network-security #cyber-security

Sabina’s Avatar
Sabina Mar 05, 2019 2184 views

How important is cyber security in America?

#tech #protective services #job corps

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Jun 19, 2020 799 views

What's the best thing about being in IT security?


Sergio’s Avatar
Sergio Mar 02, 2020 9572 views

1. Describe a time when you used teamwork to solve a problem at a previous security job.

#security #interview #teamwork

Ralph’s Avatar
Ralph Mar 02, 2020 1023 views

What are the downsides of working as a Information Security Analyst?

#tech #technology #information-technology #computer #programmer #programming

Jeshua’s Avatar
Jeshua Jun 19, 2020 906 views

would you say that working in IT security can be stressful?

#technology #information-technology

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Jan 16, 2018 2024 views

Do you expect the number of women in cyber security to increase ?

Cyber security has a gender problem. There’s only 11% of women in the cyber security workforce #technology #information-technology-and-services #information-technology

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Aug 19, 2018 798 views

Information Security Conventions for beginners?

What are some of the best InfoSec cons for people gaining interest in this field?


Nievedha’s Avatar
Nievedha Apr 26, 2020 1798 views

What are the programming languages I should master before entering the workforce as a entry-level penetration tester?

#programming #computer #technology #computer-science #cyber

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Oct 19, 2016 1725 views

I want to be a cyber security guru, however; the cost of tuition is extravagant. How did you avoid becoming discouraged?

I have pretty much settled on 3 universities that I am very interested in attending. Each one is more expensive than the other. My parents cannot afford to pay the $200,000 tuition costs. The underpriviledged have federal aid and grants that do not have to be repaid. The wealthy have deep...

Moe’s Avatar
Moe Sep 06, 2019 1317 views

Which Online Unitveristy for Cyber should I choose ?

Hello fellows, I have decided to get a bachelor's into Cybersecuirty, but I've been confusing with three (3) online universities which one of them has strong curriculum for Cyber, so I listed links of the three universities hereunder and I am looking for expertise or for anyone who has IT...

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Dec 20, 2017 1559 views

What are some jobs relevant to cyber security that I can acquire while attending graduate school ?

I'm in my first year of my cybersecurity graduate program and I want to obtain a part-time job working in roles related to cybersecurity. I'm wondering what kinds of positions I should be looking for that will allow me to obtain relevant experience. I would like something that will better...