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Atul Bhankharia’s Avatar

Atul Bhankharia

Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Mount Laurel, New Jersey
481 Answers
662888 Reads
1064 Karma


Citizen Patrol
Civic Duty

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Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 13, 2021 561 views

What types of careers am I interested in food service?

A chef, food service manager, a cashier, and sometimes a catering career.

#chef #food

Rehana’s Avatar
Rehana Jan 13, 2021 784 views

What subjects are needed to become a pedestrian

I'm a very open person. I've always found becoming a doctor or pedestrian amazing. And I would love to make my dream come true #medical-school

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jan 13, 2021 838 views

Which school is the best in aircraft machanics


Delice’s Avatar
Delice Jan 05, 2021 1087 views

Career choice.

can I still be a pediatrician and actress or I have to give up on one? #pediatrician #actress

Asher’s Avatar
Asher Jan 12, 2021 674 views

What does it take to be an Actor?

I am an aspiring actor, and I want to know what it takes to be the best actor I can be. #acting #theatre #actor

S’s Avatar
S Jan 12, 2021 636 views

What all kinds of options are available after a bachelors in Economics ?

I am in my second year of economics honors course. It is a three year course and I am halfway through. I am completely unsure of the future once I graduate in a year and a half. I, sometime earlier in my second year, considered starting my course over at a different college. Then I felt like...

Jessiah’s Avatar
Jessiah May 03, 2019 1126 views

What are the best State Colleges and University's for (Business Management/ Sales Management)?

#2-4yrCollege #Business-Management #Sales-Management #Entrepreneur

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis May 20, 2016 1073 views

How important is study abroad for a resume?

I am thinking about studying abroad but will it make a difference on a resume? #resume

Harrish’s Avatar
Harrish Jan 09, 2021 746 views

which is the best and most benefit degree for IAS and for future

#DEGREE #benefits

amina’s Avatar
amina Jan 08, 2021 606 views

can a foriegner audition


Salvador Rainer Dave G’s Avatar
Salvador Rainer Dave G Jan 09, 2021 578 views

gusto ko ay mamag lawyer

I want you to be a lawyer so that dad mom can be happy #business

Priyanshu’s Avatar
Priyanshu Jan 10, 2021 481 views

i am confused about the courses after 12th, by commerce.

I want to become C.A, after the completion of my 12th.
guide me. PLEASE.

Princy’s Avatar
Princy Jan 10, 2021 1259 views

if i am studying in class 11 i want to do job in travel and toursim curse what should i do

#traveling #buisness #job

Echo’s Avatar
Echo Jan 11, 2021 1471 views

Should I do theater or something more stable?

I am a Freshmen and I am starting to think about what I want to major in. I love to do musical theater and want to major in it, but I know that it is very competitive, so I am worried that I am not talented enough. Also, it's not the most stable career path, so should I do something more...

lakshitha’s Avatar
lakshitha Jan 11, 2021 776 views

How to Fix Avast High CPU Usage

Avast High CPU Usage: Why does the Avast service use such a high CPU avast high cpu usage #general #cyber-security