Ashley P.
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what is a good way to get into electrician.
my favorite hobby is learning about electrical stuff can you help me get into electrical and learn more than I know. I have almost completed my pace I want to know what steps to take in order to a career. I want to become a good electrician so could you help me with that.

Is having a job during college normal?
I would need a source of income during college to pay for my education and I was wondering if it is normal/feasible to have jobs while in college.

Entry level Medical Records
I recently completed Health Data Analyst I from Wharton Junior County college. I am looking for entry level positions in the Health Care field. However I am having difficulty getting jobs because everyone is asking for Health Care experience. Any advice/suggestions as to what I should do? Any...

What paths can a high school student take if they want to pursue a career in the medical field?
Most of my extra-curricular activities are geared towards advocacy, public health, arts and medicine. What are some tips that you can give me as I aspire to be a pediatrician?

how to find my niche in welding ?
i want a career in welding, i've been trying to narrow down what niche area I am wanting to focus on and the one thing i come back to is rig welding, or working on heavy equipment. any suggestions for what i should look into or how one would get into those areas of welding.

I have big problems with my grades in school, especially in math. How do I improve?
I have big problems with my grades in school, especially in math. I, on the other hand, do not trust math teachers because I often had problems understanding the subject.

Job seeker with lack of experience
I am applying for jobs and many of them require at least one or more years of experience. Is it worth it to apply even if I lack that experience?
Thank you!

How to choose which school to apply to?
I would love some advice on program selection and enhancing a resume

Is it possible to be a pastry chef and a tattoo artist at the same time?
will it be too much?
is it a weird mix?

How can I improve in my chosen career, HVAC?
I need to learn about the job corps school, its advantages and disadvantages. #career #job-corps #construction #HVAC #career-choice #job