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Lily’s Avatar
Lily Dec 08, 2022 1394 views

How do I figure out what career I want to spend my life doing?

I am a freshman and I want to go to college but if I major in the wrong thing then what? How do I figure out what career I want to pursue based on my interests and what college education I need?

Kamaria’s Avatar
Kamaria Dec 09, 2022 581 views

How do you keep yourself from losing motivation?

I've noticed that every time I go on break I lose motivation. Despite having a lot of time to get things done I still procrastinate. How can I stop this?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Dec 06, 2022 794 views

What are the trending topic in technology and which languages are trending??

This questions comes to us from a professional who thinks this question would help a lot of students think about their careers