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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian & Software Developer since 1972 => Nutrition Education => Health & Longevity => Self-Actualization.
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
5900 Answers
4457737 Reads
3768 Karma


Civic Duty
Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Oct 07, 2023 1136 views

What is the best way to get a job as a college athletic trainer or physical therapist?

I want to be in the sports medicine field but don't know what career.

Janel’s Avatar
Janel Oct 26, 2020 1055 views

What are the drawbacks of being a baker

I live in Ohio #baker

Corey’s Avatar
Corey Nov 10, 2023 1045 views

Do graphic designers make good money?

What should I do to get good at graphic design at a young age?

Belmendo’s Avatar
Belmendo Nov 10, 2023 899 views

What are three things college students lack and they should improve on?

for example, you could ask them what type of mistakes they commonly do and how they can fix them.

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 09, 2023 297 views

What is the psychology How does it help us, why do we need all these things in our brain, and why do we need to learn.?

What is the psychology? How does it help us, why do we need all these things in our brain, and why do we need to learn.

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Nov 11, 2023 399 views

What is some advice for a 13 year old 8th grader who wants to run a bakery?

When I'm older I want to run a bakery, but I don't know where to start. I also really want to be great financially. If a bakery doesn't work put I also LOVEE to help people and put a smile on there face, so a therapist would be ok too, but I also don't know where to start for that one either....

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 11, 2023 3030 views

What will the teaching field look like in 10 years?

Hi, my name is michael and am interested in going into elemntry education. With the rise of AI will my job be safe? Will I be put at risk of not having a stable job?

Tanya’s Avatar
Tanya Jul 01, 2023 595 views

Why do you need a career?

Why do a career good for you how many careers people have when can you get a career why you need a career cuz it's good for you I can't to get my first career

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Nov 10, 2023 329 views

What ways can I start to be most invested into my future career, even as a highschool student?

Hi! I'm currently a freshman in highschool, and I have wanted to try and focus on my career path more often. I've always wanted to be a teacher, but I'm not sure if I'm wanting to be an acting/theater highschool teacher or an elementary teacher. Nevertheless, do you have any tips on how to take...

kristen’s Avatar
kristen Jul 23, 2023 544 views

is it worth it to work your life away ?

is it worth it to go to college, get in debt and work your whole life trying to pay off the debt

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Sep 10, 2023 588 views

Any tips for medschool?

How do you recommend preparing for college and does anyone have any study tip on how to make it feel less of a drag and make it stay in our mind better?

Abner’s Avatar
Abner Mar 04, 2019 954 views

So what is a typical day like for you?

Are you hard worker?
Do you do any extracurricular activities?
Any useful hobbies or skills you might have or partake in?
Are you ok with waking up early or staying late?

MrVibes’s Avatar
MrVibes Aug 24, 2022 857 views

How to cope with panic attacks what kind of skills do you use personally I like to meditate

How to cope with panic attacks what kind of skills do you use personally I like to meditate

Souad’s Avatar
Souad Aug 24, 2022 532 views

How do I find a job as a school librarian?

I'm a resident of Syria and have already completed my bachelor's in library and information. I also have 6 years of experience working in libraries. Finding a job has been incredibly difficult because of the constant conflict/war in my country.

Kalea Jafer’s Avatar
Kalea Jafer May 15, 2023 405 views

where to go to college for an archival job?

Any special programs or good schools?