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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian-Nutritionist & Software Developer since 1972 🡆 Optimization Of Human Performance: jim.frangos@gmail
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
6799 Answers
6733859 Reads
4330 Karma


Civic Duty
Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar Aug 03, 2022 2396 views

Job seeker with lack of experience

I am applying for jobs and many of them require at least one or more years of experience. Is it worth it to apply even if I lack that experience?

Thank you!

Lexsie’s Avatar
Lexsie Oct 04, 2023 807 views

Is it hard being a computer programmer and web developer?

Hello, my name is lexsie I am 12 years old in 7th grade, and the career I got that matched with were computer programmer and web developer. And my question is, Is it hard being a computer programmer and web developer?

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Oct 12, 2023 391 views

What would be good to-do list tasks for pursuing a career in agricultural software programming?

It would be useful for me to get more ideas on to-do list tasks so that I can be better prepared for the agricultural software programming career I would like to pursue.

Ziah’s Avatar
Ziah Jun 17, 2021 4992 views

What would be the best way to learn coding or for a career in computer science?

I am in 11th grade. I find websites and the creation of code interesting. #computer-science # #coding #technology #programming

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Oct 03, 2023 516 views

what is computer programming and photo graghing

What is Computer programming?

max’s Avatar
max Aug 02, 2022 913 views

how to find my niche in welding ?

i want a career in welding, i've been trying to narrow down what niche area I am wanting to focus on and the one thing i come back to is rig welding, or working on heavy equipment. any suggestions for what i should look into or how one would get into those areas of welding.

Symone’s Avatar
Symone Oct 03, 2023 593 views

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in this industry, and what skills or qualities do you think are essential for success?

I'm going to school for medical assisting and just wanted what is needed for the workforce.

Morrigan’s Avatar
Morrigan Oct 20, 2023 2343 views

How different is high school from college What are some lifestyle and workload differences? Do you have any financial or time-management tips?

I am a high school senior who is an undecided major. Since I will be moving out, I am worried about managing my life myself. I'm currently in 4 AP classes, so I have a large workload for a highschooler and I'm curious how much college will compare to that.

N’s Avatar
N Oct 21, 2023 645 views

What careers are available based on my interest?

I'm a 10th grader and interested in Computer Science and business. What are the career opportunities out there related to this?

cheyanne’s Avatar
cheyanne Oct 13, 2023 2447 views

What are the best ways to keep your focus on one goal?

I have a hard time focusing and making sure everything I do is correct, how do I fix this?

Lorelei’s Avatar
Lorelei Oct 09, 2023 1158 views

How do I acheive my goals?

I struggle with staying on task and getting work done on time, but I want to go to a good college.

Annelise’s Avatar
Annelise Oct 03, 2023 308 views

How hard is it to become a nurse practitioner?

How hard is it to become a nurse practitioner, what skills do you need to be good at this job. Is it okay to start at a junior college to be begin my nursing school?

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jul 14, 2023 2356 views

What are the most important skills you need to succeed as a icu/picu/nicu nurse? And what are the biggest challenges you face on a day to day basis?

I am an aspiring college student-athlete and nursing has always seemed like the perfect job. However I’m trying to figure out if nursing is the right career path for me.

Tabarak’s Avatar
Tabarak Aug 01, 2023 6977 views

What is the best website to learn coding/programming ?

What is the best website to learn coding/programming such as Python and Javascript which is free and includes a certificate? I am looking to potentially create an AI chatbot and/or a game.

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Oct 03, 2023 318 views

What is being a Nurse Practitioner like?

I am in high school that would like to become a Nurse Practitioner