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Mike Les’s Avatar

Mike Les

Special Agent
Protective Service Occupations
San Diego, California
16 Answers
15450 Reads
161 Karma

Active Locations

Minnae’s Avatar
Minnae Nov 11, 2022 757 views

Criminal law major?

I want to become a criminal justice lawyer, what are some of the best schools to apply for?

jayden’s Avatar
jayden Nov 08, 2022 2301 views

What is a better degree for criminal justice BA or BS/ Is a minor in business worth the degree?

What is the best major for an FBI agent, What criminal justice major is better criminal justice BS or criminal justice BA ?

Is a minor in Business worth the degree ?

A'kia’s Avatar
A'kia Aug 31, 2017 1063 views

What makes Forensic Scientist job different from other criminal investigators?

There is always a small difference between jobs that are related and I was wondering what was the difference between the two. #forensic-science #criminal-justice

paige’s Avatar
paige Nov 09, 2022 1755 views

How manageable is it to double major in forensic psych and criminology?

I am thinking about double majoring in forensic psychology and criminology/justice studies and i'm not sure if the workload would be too much. I want to be able to do criminal investigations out of college.

N'dasia’s Avatar
N'dasia Nov 02, 2022 692 views

Agriculture jobs?

What is the most difficult part of being in this career?

Miryam’s Avatar
Miryam May 07, 2022 1225 views

Do you recommend any classes in college that could help you be a better organic farmer ?

I would like to be an organic farmer, and I was told to go to college, but I'm not so sure if that is a good idea, or what class to take. (Not a degree).

Jhovanny’s Avatar
Jhovanny Nov 02, 2022 882 views

When did you guys realize procrastination was something getting in the way of your life.?

When did you guys realize procrastination was something getting in the way of your life.

Nyasia’s Avatar
Nyasia Nov 02, 2022 595 views

Procrastination and avoiding it

How can the mind avoid the thought of procrastinating?

Adam’s Avatar
Adam Nov 02, 2022 577 views

What certifications do you need ?

What certifications do you need to be in private security?

tyteyona’s Avatar
tyteyona Nov 02, 2022 908 views

How do you have a good balance with life and work?


Zahirah’s Avatar
Zahirah Nov 02, 2022 974 views

What does it take to become a detective in college?

I am a senior at Lighthouse Community Charter Public School in Oakland California. I like to spend time with my family during my free time and be with my friends. For my career, I want to focus in criminology. I want to become a detective and solve cases. One of my skills is solving problems,...

Madyson’s Avatar
Madyson Oct 26, 2022 504 views

Federal Government or Investigator/ College

What college courses should I be taking to work for the federal government as an agent or investigator?

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian Oct 31, 2022 851 views

What are some steps i can do to work in foreign diplomacy?

I am a junior in high school and would really like to have a job where I could travel more and practice my language skills.

Priscilla’s Avatar
Priscilla Oct 28, 2022 890 views

If I want to start an e-commerce boutique in San Francisco what legal licenses and certificates do I need to obtain beforehand?

I am in a city college and want to start my own business.

O'Keizion’s Avatar
O'Keizion Oct 31, 2022 1045 views

mechanical engineer vs cia agent

what is the best job in making the best money and other job opportunities and just have a better time making a future for being a mechanical engineer and or being a cia agent.