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Leanna Fata’s Avatar

Leanna Fata

Talent Acquisition
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4 Answers
8295 Reads
39 Karma

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Mikayla’s Avatar
Mikayla Nov 10, 2022 1231 views

Why are counselors important when it comes to mental health?

My dream career is to be a mental health counselor. Mental health counselors talk to a patient and get to know the person, they do this so they can give advice or feedback that relates more to the patient and their struggles. Speaking from personal experience I have found that counseling does...

David’s Avatar
David Nov 09, 2022 611 views

How do I narrow down my list of colleges?

I have about 20 colleges left on my list and I could use some advice as to how I should go about narrowing down my list to find the few I should apply to.

Delcy’s Avatar
Delcy Nov 09, 2022 494 views

Question for my future

What steps can I take today, that would move me closer to my dream? #fall22

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Nov 10, 2022 5922 views

How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full time job?

I really want to continue writing and performing, but I don't know how to carve out time for everything I want to do. Do you use any planners or digital tools to help plan life outside work?