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Isabelle Bushman’s Avatar

Isabelle Bushman

Executive Business Partner and Project Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Foster City, California
3 Answers
3467 Reads
1 Karma

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someone’s Avatar
someone Oct 30, 2022 1215 views

will it be worth taking an event management course?

can I earn enough in the coming years if I take an event management major

Tvisha’s Avatar
Tvisha Jan 07, 2023 1714 views

How get clarity for your career ?

I am leaning towards two choices for career, either culinary arts or event management. I am still not completely confident to make a choice, how do i know what is the best choice for me in the long run for a career?

Baoying’s Avatar
Baoying Sep 28, 2022 1442 views

Relationship between coworkers and your boss ?

How to manage relationships with coworkers and your boss?