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Jerome Dees Jr.’s Avatar

Jerome Dees Jr.

Sales Professional and Networking Expert
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
San Francisco, California
613 Answers
695024 Reads
804 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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Jana’s Avatar
Jana Dec 10, 2023 375 views

How is it adjusting to being away from home for college?

I am worrying about being away from my parents

Terrell’s Avatar
Terrell Dec 11, 2023 1172 views

Do you need to go to college to be a best selling author ?

I’m in the tenth grade in a school that makes me uncomfortable so do a Successful author need college to make a living

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Dec 11, 2023 687 views

How do you start deciding your career path?

I am a high school student, who plays an instrument, is an athlete, and takes stem and biology-based classes. I want to go toward the stem and bio fields, but I am unsure.

Ilknur’s Avatar
Ilknur Dec 11, 2023 2304 views

How do I become a good candidate for internships without prior experience?

I am a sophomore in a liberal arts college, and I want to know how I can get internships and become a strong candidate. I want to go into consulting, but it scares me because of how competitive it is. What kind of traits should I have?

jen’s Avatar
jen Dec 11, 2023 5159 views

how to decide on a future career?

I'm having trouble deciding on what career path to go into for my lifelong job, but I cant seem to decide which path to go down.. is there a little hack or something to reduce my options so I can pick one?

joy’s Avatar
joy Dec 06, 2023 795 views

college applications and where to begin?

how to i begin applying to colleges? it feels like im a little too late to the game and wont get accepted, or wont have my stuff into. what do i do?

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Dec 01, 2023 1170 views

What do I need to do to keep track of eye contact?

I would focus and be in a quiet place while being with someone I know, my family members, or a friend of mine. Even when I apply a job (part-time or full-time) I need to keep track of eye contact to have an important conversation with the manager at an interview or I won’t get promoted.

Nimalan’s Avatar
Nimalan Dec 01, 2023 818 views

How do I start a sidehustle?

I was wondering how i can start a side hustle at the age of 17

Aubri’s Avatar
Aubri Dec 02, 2023 486 views

How is is college ?

I’m not sure what you mean but uh is it fun like do you party is it fun

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla Dec 02, 2023 1034 views

Why can't i ever decide what i want to do after high school?

I mean I've know what I want to do for a long time but recently i have jumped from career to career and now i feel like i'm lost. I just thought it was because i wasn't trying hard enough but now i feel like i'm losing interest in all of my safe options.

cody’s Avatar
cody Nov 28, 2023 2471 views

why did you go to college?

why did you go to college? what did you major in? what were the best and worst parts?

malachi’s Avatar
malachi Nov 28, 2023 1157 views

How helpful are Career Technical Training Programs?

I'm in Job Corps and I've heard that I should involve myself in these programs. How well do they really prepare you for?

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Nov 28, 2023 626 views

What is the best advice you can give to someone when applying for colleges?

What is the best advice you can give when applying to colleges? I am interested in learning more about nursing schools and good options for colleges in the U.S.

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Nov 11, 2023 449 views

What is some advice for a 13 year old 8th grader who wants to run a bakery?

When I'm older I want to run a bakery, but I don't know where to start. I also really want to be great financially. If a bakery doesn't work put I also LOVEE to help people and put a smile on there face, so a therapist would be ok too, but I also don't know where to start for that one either....

Elaina’s Avatar
Elaina Nov 15, 2023 402 views

What college did you go to and what impact did it have on your career?

What schools have good psychology classes and what colleges do you recommend?