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Jerome Dees Jr.’s Avatar

Jerome Dees Jr.

Sales Professional and Networking Expert
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
San Francisco, California
652 Answers
1039060 Reads
864 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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Riley’s Avatar
Riley Jan 13, 2024 1110 views

What are some things you considered when choosing a college What are some things to consider if you want to study abroad??

What are some things you considered when choosing a college? What are some things to consider if you want to study abroad?

Lila’s Avatar
Lila Jan 11, 2024 1896 views

How do I know what job is the right job?

How do I know what job will be best for me? what factors into it? I want t to make good money but I also want to have a job I know I will like and actually want to go to everyday, not one I say "ugh I have to go to work".

Vega’s Avatar
Vega Jan 11, 2024 1593 views

What is your future career?

What are your long-term career goals and how are you planning to achieve them?What do you think are the most important skills to develop in order to succeed in your chosen career field?

Emmanuel’s Avatar
Emmanuel Jan 11, 2024 1145 views

What are the necessary steps to marketing yourself properly in the industry?

What tools will I need?

Emmanuel’s Avatar
Emmanuel Jan 11, 2024 982 views

How should I prepare myself if my business starts to see a decline in profit?

For example, if I was making upwards of $500 consistently but then it suddenly drops to below $250.

Skylah’s Avatar
Skylah Jan 11, 2024 700 views

What are the things I have to do to get my body in shape for a college level?

What workouts for track do I need to do.

Emmanuel’s Avatar
Emmanuel Jan 11, 2024 1891 views

When people say to invest in your career, do they mean genuinely put money into it or put a decent amount of time into it (ex. time worth, time = money).?

Putting money into your career & time into it are completely different things & I feel like they can be commonly mixed up promotio & engagement wise, so what's the true meaning.

Skylah’s Avatar
Skylah Jan 11, 2024 2629 views

What will be some good career classes to take in college?

What's some good classes?

Diego’s Avatar
Diego Jan 11, 2024 4756 views

How do I know my chosen career path is the right one for me?

How can I know if the career I choose will be the one I stay with for the rest of my life? Can I know if there are any alternative career paths or other options?

Zayne’s Avatar
Zayne Jan 11, 2024 3063 views

How do you find a job or an opportunity based on the skills your good at?

For example if your good at drawing how could that apply to finding the right job. more specifically without a college education. Especially if you've already graduated from high school. I've been out of school for a year now and I'm trying to figure out the right path for me

Lilianne’s Avatar
Lilianne Jan 10, 2024 1102 views

How do you know what you want to do?

How do you choose what to study

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Jan 10, 2024 1108 views

What is the best career job?

How will you know your career job

paris’s Avatar
paris Jan 10, 2024 1289 views

First Job!

How do you Create a Resume if you have no experience with a job or a experience with anything in the workforce?

David’s Avatar
David Jan 09, 2024 1435 views

How do I figure out what I truly want to do ?

I have been struggling for a while unsure what career path I want to follow. Some times would tell myself would like to be nurse but then over think I don’t why I keep on doing that .

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Jan 09, 2024 4976 views

How to invest at 18?

Currently a college student who knows nothing about investment but would like to learn and start.