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Kathleen Miller’s Avatar

Kathleen Miller

Nursing and Ultrasound
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Levittown, New York
17 Answers
16484 Reads
1 Karma

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Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie May 29, 2023 807 views

When is the best time to apply for jobs?

I’m graduating and I wanted to get a job but I’m trying to figure out when the best time to do so is.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 23, 2023 987 views

Which seasons of the year are toughest in your job?

Note: this is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

Akeem’s Avatar
Akeem Jun 20, 2023 577 views

What is the process of getting a professional job when you get out of college?

What is the process of getting a professional job when you get out of college?

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jun 20, 2023 1630 views

To be a neonatal nurse do I have to go to med school?

If I do have to go to med school how much time would I attention for? I am a sophmore and want to be a neonatal nurse to take care of newborn babies.

Mariam’s Avatar
Mariam May 26, 2023 2251 views

What are the benefits of going to a community college for nursing?

I'm a 12th grader going into BMCC to start my nursing course, for those who have also attended community colleges and went into nursing what was it like?

alyssa’s Avatar
alyssa May 08, 2023 756 views

What kind of dress code/ scrubs do we have to wear/ allowed to wear?

I want to be a CMA and know this beforehand so I can look and be professional.

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jun 17, 2023 1535 views

what would you say to a college freshman?

What is your best advice for someone who is about to be a freshman in college?

Mina’s Avatar
Mina Jun 17, 2023 2693 views

What should I do to be successful in my job?

Hello, have a good time.
Excuse me, I wanted to ask what should I do to be successful in my job?

Karsyn’s Avatar
Karsyn Jun 12, 2023 456 views

What should I do as a first step to reach out for more opportunities ?

I am a High School student wanting to do everything I can to be successful in my years to come in college as I further my education.

Almaleticia’s Avatar
Almaleticia Jun 12, 2023 375 views

How would I be able to pick the best classes to become an Ultrasound Technician?

How would I be able to pick the best classes in a junior college to become an Ultrasound Technician Student? #Spring23

Carys’s Avatar
Carys Jun 12, 2023 376 views

How do you stay on track to be How do you stay on track to becoming a part of your career goal?

If you were to miss steps or lose eligibility in your career plan, what are some ways to bounce back?

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Jun 10, 2023 763 views

What are the most important values one can take from nursing into their own lives? #Spring23

What are the core values as a nurse? How do those values play a role in furthering yourself as a human being? Are there any practices or procedures in nursing or the Healthcare system that we can translate into our daily lifestyle?

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Feb 14, 2023 557 views

What kind of patients will i deal with as a nurse ?

I am curious about what kind of patients I will encounter as a nurse. I'm wondering if its like previous experience where some patients are rude and others arent. how are nurses treated and if there are good and bad days

sage’s Avatar
sage Jun 11, 2023 341 views

How do I figure out what job would be best for me I am going in to tenth grade and still have some time, but I want to be prepared. I love helping people and my mom is a home health nurse, which is something I am interested in but she always has so much work and seems stressed. I want to be able to help people and enjoy it.?

How do I figure out what job would be best for me? I am going in to tenth grade and still have some time, but I want to be prepared. I love helping people and my mom is a home health nurse, which is something I am interested in but she always has so much work and seems stressed. I want to be...

Delanie’s Avatar
Delanie Jun 07, 2023 427 views

When can i start applying for scholarships?

I am in 10th grade but planning to graduate early. And what to get as many scholarships as possible. I have a 3.8 GPA and have a twin sister if that helps with any thing