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Megan McCoy’s Avatar

Megan McCoy

Career Coach
Community and Social Service Occupations
Lakeland, Florida
162 Answers
141866 Reads
321 Karma


Civic Duty

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Kate’s Avatar
Kate Sep 11, 2023 463 views

What are some scholarships that you may have gotten? How did you get them? Did it take you long to do the work required? How did you decide what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you still like doing that job? When should I start applying for scholarships? What job did you always want to do but didn’t end up doing because you either couldn’t or thought it would be frowned upon? Was there ever a job you wanted but didn’t end up doing because it didn’t pay enough?

I’ve always wanted to be an interior designer or work in the film industry. There’s not much demand for Interior designers where I live and i don’t want to move far away from home! There is a lot of demand for the film industry though. What should I do? I want to be in a career that I love and...

Kiera’s Avatar
Kiera Sep 11, 2023 574 views

I am interested in wildlife conservation. How do I go about finding someone to do an informational interview with?

I am a high school student in dual-enrollment looking to learn more about different careers in conservation, possible colleges, and what courses would be required, as well as different experiences on the field and in the lab.

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Aug 15, 2023 328 views

How do i becpme How do i become successful?

How do i become successful

Brooke’s Avatar
Brooke Aug 09, 2023 604 views

How do I know which career is best?

I like art, but I also want to make a lot if money

celeste’s Avatar
celeste Aug 08, 2023 606 views

How do I find the career that best suits me?

How do I find the career that best suits me? I want to go into premed but I'm not sure if it is right for me. How can I see if its right for me?

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 06, 2023 784 views

How do I figure out what I want to major in when there is multiple things I’m interested in I’m scared of getting stuck in one spot and not being able to use my college major or experience to the best of my ability.?

Hello, I am a rising Junior. I am the president of future business leaders of America (FBLA) and a robotics captain. I am interested in business management, business law, graphic design, mechanical engineering, and computer science.

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Aug 06, 2023 659 views

How to decide if you picked the right career?

How to decide if you licked the right career? I am a senior in high school and I want to become a veterinarian . I have always wanted to be one but I haven’t thought of any other careers as a back up

Adnane’s Avatar
Adnane Aug 06, 2023 898 views

What are you hobbies you enjoy the most?

What are easy ways to stay disciplined and consistent with activities such as going to the gym.

Evelyn’s Avatar
Evelyn Aug 06, 2023 753 views

Where should I look for career paths?

Where should I look for career options? I’m only in 7th grade but it seems that most people have a career path they want to follow and I don’t know what to do.

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Aug 07, 2023 1726 views

When going into college, is it fine to not have a clear idea of what you want to do?

I am only a sophomore in high school and I have a general gist of what I would like to do, but I am not really sure if I could decide when the time comes later. There's a few things I enjoy but I don't really know how classes will work for college exactly. I really like subjects like biology...

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Aug 07, 2023 1401 views

When is it a perfect time to start thinking about careers?

When is it a perfect time to start worrying and start to plan for my future career? I'm interested in skincare and I want to work with skincare and beauty related careers but I don't know if it's too early in my age to start thinking about my future career.

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Aug 02, 2023 6145 views

What was your dream job as a child and what is your current job now?

Have your interests changed? How did you discover what job you truly wanted/was best for you? Do you have any regrets about where you are at right now?

Crystal’s Avatar
Crystal Jul 25, 2023 392 views

How do i start to look for my first job ?

I am almost out of high school and iv only ever babysat I'm looking frowd to turning 18 here soon graduating and getting a real job but I have no idea where to begin

B’s Avatar
B Jul 25, 2023 280 views

How can I maintain a balance between my school and course work along while still having time for my intramural sports, friends, family, and down time?

I’m going to college soon and am nervous that the work load along with my daily life will become too much for me.

Umima’s Avatar
Umima Jul 25, 2023 300 views

How should I write a better essay for college?

How should I write a better essay for college?