Tiffanie’s Career Goals
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How do I become an Expert?
How does one go from a student to an expert, and what are strategies that you use to help retain information necessary for your expertise?

What should I be doing to help my future when I get my undergraduate?
I can't help to think about the impending future which is happening in only 2 years. I want to be as secure as I can be so when I graduate I can find a career that I am interested in. What are some things that I can do to give me an advantage over other prospective employees? #college #career...

How do you manage school, work, and extracurriculars at the same time ?
I am currently working, and I go to college full time, how can I manage all of these 3 things at the same time while also being successful in them ? #career #school #work #life #full-time

What are good speech presentation tips?
I'm personally really bad at public speaking, is there any tips/tricks that you all have that can help me before and during a presentation ? #publicspeaking #tips

How can I get internships?
Let's say I have been in college for a few years and I want to obtain an internship around my field. What is a grat way to get an internship? It seems as if internships are really hard to get and that they are really selective. #internships #field

Would you rather have better social life or a better gpa for college?
Should I focus more about connections or about having a great GPA? #social #gpa

How can I get more job responses?
It seems as if there is a very unlikely chance that jobs will call me back if I apply online, but the only way to apply is through different websites. How can I get more job responses /interviews back to the jobs that I apply to?

Would you say that it is bad to go to frat/sorority parties?
Just wondering since they seem to get really bad rep #college #career #greek-life

What are some tips to be successful ?
generally speaking, how can you be great at everything you do #success

How do you get over public speaking fears?
Before I give a presentation, I usually get very anxious, and even though I might be pretty prepared, I stutter and repeat the same words sometimes. What are good tips and tricks to help me improve presentation skills, and how would you give a great speech? #communications #communication...

Is college useless?
I've heard that many believe college is almost similar to a high school degree to an extent. I don't want to end up in debt living a minimum wage job. If I want to earn a good living, is college recommended? Is graduating college and going to a grad school make your chances of success better?...

How can I balance work life, school life, and extracurricular clubs?
I want to do everything, yet it seems like there is not enough time to do all things at once. How can I be in clubs while working part time and also going to school ? #college #school

What is the most important thing when choosing a right major/minor?
It is hard to understand which major is the right one that is suitable for me when there are so many different types of fields out there. How can I choose the best ones for my passions and interests? #college #major #college-minor

How can I keep healthy if I work full time/ go to school?
It seems to be pretty hard to do that when there are odd break hours, many people. How do you maintain weight and eat healthy also #health #school #fitness

How can I be promoted in a company?
As a person who wants to move up to higher positions in a company, how can I give my managers the impression that I am capable of being in a higher authoritative position? #career #work #life