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Charly Rodriguez’s Avatar

Charly Rodriguez

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Miami, Florida
50 Answers
105380 Reads
21 Karma

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Alex’s Avatar
Alex Sep 03, 2023 661 views

How do you know that what you want to do ?

What do I want to look out for?

cassie’s Avatar
cassie Sep 03, 2023 853 views

I’m trying to figure out how to keep pursuing my passion for teaching and working with kids while also keeping my family happy with a higher paying job… and recommendations?

my sisters being a teacher and they expect me to do something bigger than that because i’m younger?? idk i love to teach and i want that in my career

kaleigh’s Avatar
kaleigh Sep 01, 2023 379 views

How would you select a college based on your experience?

I have wanted to go to UTK my whole life, but I am out of state. I can go to IU, but UTK is my dream.

Ja'Leena’s Avatar
Ja'Leena Sep 01, 2023 637 views

What are good tips to remember when starting college?

11th grader

adriana’s Avatar
adriana Aug 25, 2023 773 views

how did you choose what you wanted to be?

how did you choose what you wanted to be when you selected your major for college? for instance i want to be a sports agents but im not sure what major in college i should choose to become one.

Evelyn’s Avatar
Evelyn Aug 22, 2023 1568 views

What is my best bet to become an interior decorator?

I want to eventually own a business for residential interior decorating and am wondering which of these two I should do: 1. Major in interior design 2. Major in business and learn interior decorating on the side I would also just like some general tips on how I should go about my career path...

Liberty’s Avatar
Liberty Aug 22, 2023 2706 views

what is a great college for those who would like to major in psychology?

i would like to major in psychology so i can help others to make sure they don’t feel alone .

isabella’s Avatar
isabella Aug 21, 2023 1643 views

How to make your music special?

How do you make you music special/different from others? Nowadays everything's already been made and all music sounds the same. How to you keep it original?

Savreet’s Avatar
Savreet Aug 08, 2023 1032 views

How do you transition into a new culture/country?

I'm moving to Russia for school and want to know how to best transition and get used to the new culture.

Sharon’s Avatar
Sharon Aug 05, 2023 746 views

How do I become my own person ?

I want to be able to work on myself and be ready for my future. That's not really taught in school and I'm just expected to learn and make mistakes when mistakes can't be made that often for me. I hope for help please and thank you in advance.

abi’s Avatar
abi Aug 04, 2023 1493 views

where is the best place to find information about the process of college admissions and applications?

I am going into senior year and wanna know where to start for scholarships as well as picking the right degree and university for me.

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jul 25, 2023 794 views

what im wondering what the male to female ratio is in the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) world and what is a way to keep the race world alive

what is the ratios

Sonya’s Avatar
Sonya Aug 04, 2023 2236 views

What is a good studying method?

Im going to be a freshman and need some studying tips

Minta’s Avatar
Minta Aug 03, 2023 611 views

How do I get into a college that is beneficial for me?

I want to go to a college that is academically exceptional of course, but I also want to make sure to focus on my mental health. How can I look for and find colleges that align with my needs for good self help resources and good education?

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Aug 02, 2023 6028 views

What are some good examples of volunteer opportunities that high school students can participate in?

I'm looking for some fun volunteering opportunities, especially those that are online/can be done in the comfort of your own home at any time.