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Sharmin Nooruddin’s Avatar

Sharmin Nooruddin

Inside Sales at Dell International Services India Pvt Ltd
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
29611 Reads
31 Karma

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Arthur ’s Avatar
Arthur Sep 20, 2016 3062 views

What is the difference between a web designer and a web developer?

I'm more curious as I'm not sure which one is which most of the time. #college #computer #information-technology #web-design #web-development #internet-technology

kyle’s Avatar
kyle May 24, 2016 2631 views

What are some challenges when you are a engineer?

I want to think of a solution for it. #engineering #engineer #data-engineer #game-engines #protein-engineering #unreal-engine

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Jul 26, 2016 1493 views

What Career to chose from??

Well, am interested in Fashion Modeling, a Piloting, and a Scientist and all of this are good career choices but my parents expect me to make them proud by choosing a great career choice that isn't modeling or traveling a lot and also earn a good money pay. But I love traveling places and need...

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Feb 29, 2012 7510 views

I have a problem managing my time, how would I fix this problem?

I'm 15 and I have trouble managing my time and staying focused at school. How can I fix this? What did you do? #time-management #professional-development

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 25, 2016 2789 views

How do you approach a difficult customer ?

When you are dealing with someone who is visibly upset, what do you do to stop the situation from going to far? #work #customer

rishi’s Avatar
rishi Jul 08, 2016 12092 views

I have completed 10th recently with 87%. i want to learn computer engineering. My cousin referred me to learn IT engineering. What is the difference between IT engineering and computer engineering?

for future learning #computer-science #computer-software #technology #computer-hardware #information #services