Geeta Shankar
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As a high school student, how do I know if computer science is the right college major for me?
I'm a 16 year old rising high school senior, and I've been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study computer science in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision. #college #computer #computer-science #college-major

What do you do in your major, what is the advantages or disadvantages of your career, and lastly, have you ever regretted your decision of your career and why,... etc.
I'm struggling with choosing my career recently (as a 11th grade student). I have interests in physics, math kind of science. Few considerations are mechanical engineering jobs, architecture, IT/computer science, ...etc. I hope I'll get a respond from those professionals.

What is it like to be a woman in engineering?
#engineers #biomedical-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career-counseling #women #stem #technology #college #engineering #chemical-engineering #women-in-stem #stemcareers #women-in-tech