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New York, New York
7 Questions
571 Karma

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Emily Feb 08 2634 views

Should I take AP Environmental or Careers in Education?

I need help!! I'm going into 11th grade next year and I need to pick between these two classes! APES gives me rigor and another AP to add onto my list but overall I want to major in elementary education in college so I feel like I can gain more experience. My counselor said that I can take...

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Emily Jan 13 894 views

What are some good colleges for elementary education majors, as well as extracurricular activities I can do for that major as a high schooler?

Please help!! I definitely don't want to go to an ivy league. I'm looking for a school primarily in the South and will be financially stable for me and my family! Also please share your experience as elementary educators!

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Emily Nov 19, 2024 837 views

Which High School Class Should I Pick? Please Help!!!?

So I definitely want to go into the field of teaching but next year I am doubling up in science and taking Chemistry and AP Environmental next year but that only leaves one period left for an elective in my schedule. Should I take AP Psychology or Careers in Education. I really want to take...

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Emily Nov 04, 2024 872 views

Should I be a physician assistant or elementary school teacher?

I'm having a hard time picking which one I should be. I'm stuck between being a physician assistant or an elementary school teacher. I absolutely love little kids and I'll be so happy doing that in life but at the same time teachers are so underpaid. This year I took a lot of high school...

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Emily Aug 07, 2024 574 views

As a high school student who wants to be a physician assistant what are some good volunteer opporutunities?

I'm looking for volunteer opportunities that will help me become a physician assistant!

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Emily Jul 30, 2024 613 views

What are some things I can do outside of school if I want to be a physician assistant?

My dream job has been to be a physician assistant for a while now and I have been trying to look into things that I can do outside of school to help benefit my education or college applications. I tried volunteering but I was told I had to wait a couple of months because my age doesn't make me...

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Emily Jul 15, 2024 1495 views

Is a job at a bakery okay if I want to be a physician assistant when I am older?

I'm currently 15 years old and an upcoming sophomore in high school. I have an idea of what I want to be but right now to gain work experience I want to work at a bakery. Will this look bad for college if a bakery job I am applying too isn't really related to what I want to pursue.