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Amanda Plett’s Avatar

Amanda Plett

Fraud Analyst
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Leander, Texas
21 Answers
19292 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Marcel’s Avatar
Marcel May 29 291 views

How many hours does HVAC work?

Is it sustained?

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Jul 24 640 views

What are the best ways to win a Interview?

Every time I try to go to the interview it always turns bad with me either not getting the words out or me messing up on a word

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Jul 24 720 views

How do people become Mangers ?

I work hard and I am always on time why don't get picked to be the Manager?

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Jul 24 611 views

How do i become Mangers or success in my work ?

How do i become Mangers or success in my work ?

Everyln’s Avatar
Everyln Jul 19 1104 views

How can I improve my tech skills?

In the tech world, how can I improve my tech skills to stand out

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 20 697 views

How can I achieve my dreams and be success?

How can I achieve my dreams and be success?