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Jasmine Jennings’s Avatar

Jasmine Jennings

Dental Assistant
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
7 Answers
1485 Reads
11 Karma



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Kahmoni’s Avatar
Kahmoni Oct 10 342 views

How does one motivate themselves to stay focused on their business ?

I am in the 9th grade. I am interested in this topic because if I decide to start a business of my own, I would like to know how to stay motivated into developing my business.

Cameryn’s Avatar
Cameryn Oct 10 394 views

What are good certifications to have in the IT field?

I am interested in the tech field and unsure what path to explore.

Drea’s Avatar
Drea Oct 10 129 views

What are the average salaries in cybersecurity?

National average and State of Michigan Average

Beit’s Avatar
Beit Oct 10 107 views

How do i get myself famous ?

How do i get myself famous . What can i do to get fame and ways to control it like i find it hard.Thanks

Edward’s Avatar
Edward Oct 08 370 views

what major is good for dentistry?

Senior in Highschool, I enjoy psychology but wanted to know other majors that may have a more straightforward path to dentistry.

Ali’s Avatar
Ali Oct 10 169 views

the steps to be a RN ?

after high school what are the steps to getting a bsn and soon becoming an RN, can I apply to a nursing college right after highschool?

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Oct 01 187 views

What should I consider when choosing between college and trade school?

I am a sophomore in high school, and I need to begin thinking about college, trade school, or a career.