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Nina Chaney’s Avatar

Nina Chaney

Benefits Specialist
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Waterford Township, Michigan
16 Answers
33009 Reads
91 Karma


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Shardae’s Avatar
Shardae Feb 14, 2017 1028 views

What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

future refrence #career-planning

max’s Avatar
max Sep 18, 2019 768 views

should i join the union? what are the benefits?

#teaching #educator #professional

Temitope’s Avatar
Temitope Sep 06, 2019 971 views

Get your dream job or go to your dream college?

#dream job

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Mar 22, 2017 971 views

Do you have to be more experienced to become a pediatrician than a nurse?

I want to know more about how much experience is needed for both career because im interested in becoming a pediatrician #nursing #nurse #pediatrician

Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 14, 2017 1998 views

How do you keep yourself motivated when studying a subject you really don't like?

I love the program I'm taking, but there are some courses that are mandatory and not related to my field. It's easy to get motivated to study most of the courses, but the other mandatory courses also affect my GPA. So, how do I motivate myself to study hard and do very well on the courses that...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Mar 18, 2017 1143 views

How can you find the right scholarships for colleges easily?

I am a high schooler who is looking for answers on the college application process. #college #college-major #college-admissions #college-bound #higher-education #undergraduate #college-selection #ivy-league

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Mar 09, 2017 1913 views

How do I manage time effectively?

I am a junior in high school and one skill that i need to grasp is time management. I am a person who is always hyperactive but I also get distracted a lot and I want to know what it takes to manage my time more effectively. I ask this because I still need to learn how to finish my schoolwork...

Ayomide ’s Avatar
Ayomide Mar 14, 2017 2417 views

Does community service look impressive on resumes

Accounting student at Towson university #accounting #financial-accounting #account-management

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Mar 12, 2017 1139 views

Do the different levels of degrees determine a person's chance at a job?

I'm wondering about the levels of degrees in any context. Numbers and certificates run this world. So in any example, could you explain the different degree levels and how they compare to each other? #career #higher-education #degree

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Feb 22, 2017 1464 views

so what is the best career to get money

so what is the best career to get money #higher-education

Ockeem’s Avatar
Ockeem Feb 25, 2017 1295 views

Should I be worried if i dont know what to do in life even though I'm in high school.

I'm only asking this question because I wish to know if I'm falling behind or if I'm simply not being smart about it. #higher-education

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 12, 2017 1235 views

Is it common for employers to offer education to their employees?

I am curious because many of my friends, including my brother, have been offered a paid tuition to attend college. So, I wonder if when I get a job, is it likely that I will have an employer that will want me to continue my education. #higher-education #employer-relations #employee-training...

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 05, 2017 1738 views

Whats a good topic for a psychology PhD dissertation?

Id like to become a clinical psychologist, while I have a ways to go I want to get a head start on my dissertation. #college #business #psychology #higher-education

Liana’s Avatar
Liana Feb 17, 2017 2581 views

If I'm MISERABLE at college then what should I do?

“The world is in perpetual motion, and we must invent the things of tomorrow... Act with audacity.” – Madame Clicquot. I'm starting to become less risk averse and I may drop out or take a leave of absence from college because I hate it. I know it's easier to get a job with a degree but it is...

Diljot’s Avatar
Diljot Feb 18, 2017 3624 views

What are things outside of school considered extra curricular?

Other than volunteering, what's another way I can get extra curriculars outside of school? #school #extracurriculars #high-school-classes