William Oliveira
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How do i pursue career in chemistry?
I love more to know about chemical and there chemical reaction
Does chemical engineering typically fall more into schools of science or schools of engineering?
I'm first looking for a major in Chemistry, but am thinking of specifying into Chemical Engineering. How am I meant to get there?
what,how and why can i be successful in aeronautical engineering in college?
what,how and why can i be successful in aeronautical engineering in college.what,how and why can i be successful in aeronautical engineering in college.
If i'm interested in being a mechanical engineer or a career in the engineering field, what types of jobs, experiences, or skills are employers looking for on a resume?
Ideally, what are some things I should mention on a resume that most employers in the engineering field are looking for. I currently have no experience or jobs.
What free online resources are there to self-study calculus/physics/engineering?
I'm looking for online resources that I can use to self-study STEM, sites with additional courses would also be appreciated.
What production requirements do employers look for most?
I'd like to be in a career in mechanical engineering but I also want to know what's the main thing looked for.
what's the most difficult part of majoring in mechanical engineering?
I want to major in it.