Stefania (Mandrin) Revelli, CCSP, CPRW

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What advice do you have for those who want to study marketing and graphic design in college/get into the business?
What advice do you have for a senior in high school who wants to study marketing and graphic design in college/get into the business? I'm trying to grow my portfolio and get Adobe certified but I was wondering if there was anything else I could do to improve myself. Thank you so much and have...

What is the best thing to do if I am unsure about what career I want to pursue?
I am a senior in high school and I’m still unsure about what to do with my future. My family really wants me to be a doctor or doctor adjacent but I don’t think that’s the best choice for me.

What are some tips for marketing professionals?
what are your best quality skills for marketing business?
what accomplishments have you achieved in marketing?
what work experience do you have in marketing?

What personality traits make successful editors and publishers?
I'm a brutally honest person. A lot of people don't like that but I have a feeling it will come in handy in a career in editing or publishing.
#editing #publishing

Which degree is more advantageous for a copy editor?
#editor #writer #writing #editing #journalism #major #college

Should I start asking about internships after or before college?
#bachelors #media #entertainment #sports-media

How much do communication majors make?
I'm a CareerVillage staff member and I'm posting this because we know that many young people are looking for the answer to this question. This is among the most popular questions searched by youth, and we're hoping you will take a moment to share your response to it. Thank you! #communications...

How do I get a job out of college as an account manager? What makes a successful advertising account manager?
I am graduating in December 2018 with a degree in Advertising from San Jose State University. I want to work in account management/client services in an advertising agency after graduation. I have a bit of familiarity with what this role entails and what the advertising industry is like....

Best Way to Become an Editor?
I want to be a novel editor, but my family thinks it's too wild of a career goal and I'll be a "starving artist" simply because I want an English degree. With a major in English and a minor in creative writing, is that a good choice to help me land a job in a publishing company? And does it...

Is a career in journalism rewarding?
I am a high school junior and I am still trying to decide on a career choice. I have been researching đź““ ism but I have to say the pay is not very encouraging. One source has beginning salary at $30,000. #journalism #writing #writing-and-editing

How can I begin building a writing portfolio for future jobs and internships I would like to apply to?
I am currently a Writing and Journalism major and am unsure as to how to begin building a portfolio for the future. I would like to know how I would begin a process like this and if there's a way I can show my own legitimate writing to professionals when I am still a student. #writing...

Question on deciding my career path
For me, I have been thinking of being a writer/ jobs related to media, is it better for me to work on the field that are related to these fields? Or will it be a better choice for me to try out different industries like business before graduating from university? #undecided #writing...

For college application essays, is content or structure and formatting more important?
Many applications give you options on essays. Some choices seem ideal with my writing style that I could write them with good formatting, but other topics I feel as if the content I put into it would help me stand out, but may not be quite as structured. ##essays #writing #writing-and-editing...

How can I make myself stand out through writing?
I am going into journalism and I want to stand out against my mostly male peers.
#writing #journalism #writing-and-editing

How will I realize what major is for me?
There are so many academic areas that I am interested in from sociology to political science to media studies. I have no idea how I will choose because each interest me for a different reason. #college #media studies