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Sonya Bible’s Avatar

Sonya Bible

Contract Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Production Occupations
Richardson, Texas
41 Answers
53869 Reads
81 Karma


Civic Duty

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Sean’s Avatar
Sean Dec 25, 2016 1302 views

What are some ways of getting experience in Computer Science (an internship) before college without having prior knowledge on how to code and other sorts of knowledge relevant in the field?

I'm currently in 12th grade and looking for internships but a majority require some knowledge and usually require you to already have a Bachelors. I'm trying to get experience before I enter college and is hard to do so I'll have a better understanding as I take the Computer Science course....

William’s Avatar
William Oct 29, 2015 2001 views

What website is best to learn coding (Javascript, iOS, Unity)?

As a sort of follow up to my last question (, I am currently using a website called Code School (, but I want to know if that is a good website. It teaches...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Apr 29, 2016 1567 views

How should I teach myself to code? What should I learn first? Where should I go?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. I would never call myself a professional programmer, and I was wondering how I should go about completely restarting and learning to code from the ground up. #technology #programming #software-engineering #coding

Aukai’s Avatar
Aukai Jul 22, 2016 1611 views

As an aspiring entrepreneur, how important is learning to code and what are some of the best websites, programs, or online schools for learning the skill?

I am interested in entrepreneurship but time and time again I put an idea aside because I dont know how to code, and have not yet fleshed out my idea enough to begin a seed round for funding for a coder. #computer-software #programming #coding #program-development

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 19, 2016 1705 views

What are good websites to use to learn coding?

codeacademy? code . org? #science #computer #tech

Dillon’s Avatar
Dillon Mar 05, 2018 487 views

What year in college should you begin acquiring internships?

I am a sophomore and want to know if this is the right time to begin acquiring job experience through internship opportunities. #shouldiapplyforinternships

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Mar 12, 2018 795 views

How do I get experience programming?

I've recently switched majors to Operations, Management, Information Systems at my university which involves programming. I have a little background programming knowledge but don't know how to make it a bigger part of my life. Other than the classes I'll be taking, what can I do to get a better...

Michaella’s Avatar
Michaella Mar 13, 2018 868 views

Is taking on more than one profession/career in one's life plausible/acceptable?

Part of the nature of being a human is that we change. We take on different hobbies, interests, and personality traits as we age and gather new experiences. This is one thought that has pestered me on my journey to apply to colleges and decide what to do with my life. That being said, I knew...

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Mar 13, 2018 601 views

What is the hardest part about the transition between high school and college?

What responsibilities were you unprepared or unaware you would have to fulfill? What do you wish your parents prepared you most to do? What advice could you give to #highschoolgrads making that leap?

Adam’s Avatar
Adam Mar 13, 2018 914 views

I'm thinking of working at college. What type of jobs do they have open to students?

I'm trying to plan ahead to see what type of jobs are available. #collegejobs