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Tanya Martin’s Avatar

Tanya Martin

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
38 Answers
73324 Reads
227 Karma


Civic Duty

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Wayne’s Avatar
Wayne May 28, 2021 507 views

What would be a weakness for sports analyst?

Just curious about this. #wondering

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony May 29, 2018 702 views

How do you teach the geriatric population about health promotion when they are skeptical about Western Medicine, pharmaceutical companies and society’s obsession with diatery restrictions?


timothy’s Avatar
timothy May 04, 2016 1145 views

Where should I search for inspiration to make youtube videos?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I want to know what kid's hobby are so that I can make their types of video for entertainment. #youtube #developers #social #social-media #career #college

joseph’s Avatar
joseph May 04, 2016 1488 views

How do I become a famous youtuber?

I'd love to learn how to become a famous youtuber.

#youtube #social-media #social-media-marketing #social #education #career

chandra’s Avatar
chandra May 02, 2016 1760 views

How do I become a teacher?

I am from J B Nagar bengaluru in India, and I am interested in becoming a teacher. #teaching #teacher #professional #teach #career #career-counseling

Srigayathri’s Avatar
Srigayathri May 05, 2016 1313 views

How can I become a professor?

My dream is to become a professor, and I would love to learn more about the career path I need to take. #education #higher-education #college #teaching

anitha’s Avatar
anitha May 06, 2016 1460 views

Which subject is suitable for Media Studies

I have completed 10th, so please help me #educator #journalism #media #media-relations

Jasmine Nichole’s Avatar
Jasmine Nichole Jun 23, 2015 1873 views

What is the best college for a student who wishes to be an aerospace engineer?

I'm an 11th grader who is interested to become an aerospace engineer one day. I was told Stanford is a good choice but i would like to have more choices. #college #engineer #university #aerospace-engineering

Paige ’s Avatar
Paige Apr 09, 2015 1180 views

How much money do you make if you're a cardiothoracic surgeon?

I want to go into the medical field and heart surgery seems interesting. #medicine

Soriah’s Avatar
Soriah May 18, 2015 1384 views

what is a school i can go to if i want to be a dancer??

I do have an interest in hip hop and I want to major in it and doesn't want to want to help me out.
I know you can PLEASE!!!!!! :0 ;) #dance #entrepreneur #hip-hop

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny May 18, 2015 2709 views

Are there any schools that would offer both Culinary Arts and Performing Arts such as dance?

Since I'll be a junior soon, I was wondering if a school could offer both because I want to be a major and a minor between the two! #school #arts #dance #culinary #performing

Martha★’s Avatar
Martha★ May 18, 2015 2074 views

What are the requirements to be a lawyer?

I'm a senior in high school and i want to know what courses should i take to become a lawyer? #teacher #law #students #environment #lawyers

Hannah ’s Avatar
Hannah May 22, 2015 1293 views

How could I start perusing my acting career?

I am in 9th grade, and have been taking acting classes my whole life. How could I take that extra step to become an actress? #teacher #professional #actor

Leigh’s Avatar
Leigh Mar 24, 2015 1705 views

What types of jobs are available at Adult Swim?

I was thinking about working on the production team of The Boondocks, and I just wanted to know what a person could do if they wanted to work there? #art #cartoons

Cierra’s Avatar
Cierra Mar 22, 2015 1646 views

What career is best for me

I love science mainly chemistry and physical science but i also love literature. im great at helping people, giving advice, being in charge. But i have yet to find the career for me. any suggestions? before i head off to college. #science #teaching #teacher #nursing #chemistry #literature