Tanya Martin

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What would be a weakness for sports analyst?
Just curious about this. #wondering

How do you teach the geriatric population about health promotion when they are skeptical about Western Medicine, pharmaceutical companies and society’s obsession with diatery restrictions?

Where should I search for inspiration to make youtube videos?
The reason why I am asking this question is because I want to know what kid's hobby are so that I can make their types of video for entertainment. #youtube #developers #social #social-media #career #college

How do I become a famous youtuber?
I'd love to learn how to become a famous youtuber.
#youtube #social-media #social-media-marketing #social #education #career

How do I become a teacher?
I am from J B Nagar bengaluru in India, and I am interested in becoming a teacher. #teaching #teacher #professional #teach #career #career-counseling

How can I become a professor?
My dream is to become a professor, and I would love to learn more about the career path I need to take. #education #higher-education #college #teaching

Which subject is suitable for Media Studies
I have completed 10th, so please help me #educator #journalism #media #media-relations

What is the best college for a student who wishes to be an aerospace engineer?
I'm an 11th grader who is interested to become an aerospace engineer one day. I was told Stanford is a good choice but i would like to have more choices. #college #engineer #university #aerospace-engineering

How much money do you make if you're a cardiothoracic surgeon?
I want to go into the medical field and heart surgery seems interesting. #medicine

what is a school i can go to if i want to be a dancer??
I do have an interest in hip hop and I want to major in it and www.google.com/ doesn't want to want to help me out.
I know you can PLEASE!!!!!! :0 ;) #dance #entrepreneur #hip-hop

Are there any schools that would offer both Culinary Arts and Performing Arts such as dance?
Since I'll be a junior soon, I was wondering if a school could offer both because I want to be a major and a minor between the two! #school #arts #dance #culinary #performing

What are the requirements to be a lawyer?
I'm a senior in high school and i want to know what courses should i take to become a lawyer? #teacher #law #students #environment #lawyers

How could I start perusing my acting career?
I am in 9th grade, and have been taking acting classes my whole life. How could I take that extra step to become an actress? #teacher #professional #actor

What types of jobs are available at Adult Swim?
I was thinking about working on the production team of The Boondocks, and I just wanted to know what a person could do if they wanted to work there? #art #cartoons

What career is best for me
I love science mainly chemistry and physical science but i also love literature. im great at helping people, giving advice, being in charge. But i have yet to find the career for me. any suggestions? before i head off to college. #science #teaching #teacher #nursing #chemistry #literature