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Karen Kitchel’s Avatar

Karen Kitchel

Community Volunteer
Community and Social Service Occupations
Saint Paul, Minnesota
336 Answers
277596 Reads
632 Karma


Citizen Patrol
Civic Duty

Active Locations

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jan 15, 2018 1232 views

Who’s life will I change ?

I am asking this because one day I can change someone’s life in a positive or negative way. No one can tell what I will do in the future. But I also would want to ask this question so I can change my wrongs into rights. My life goal is to change and impact someone’s life in a positive way so...

Rohith’s Avatar
Rohith Aug 13, 2016 1141 views

Which majors give the highest return ?

I'm a junior in my high school and I have hopes and desires to earn a lot of money when I am older. I would like to know what majors would give a good return before I finalize what I want to pursue. The majors I am interested in include: Finance, Engineering, Computer Science. #money...

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Apr 29, 2018 1075 views

How do you keep people happy in bad conditions?

I am in the marching band at my school. We practice for 6 months in hot South Florida and sometimes people decide to just give up. As a section leader and leader in the band I have a responsibility to keep spirits high when we spend hours outside running around in 100+ degree weather. How do...

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jun 28, 2018 744 views

Mentor for Technical Engineering

How can I be connected to a mentor in the field of Technical Engineering? #Mentoring

Marcus’s Avatar
Marcus Aug 18, 2016 1407 views

How long would it take me to go into youth ministry- coaching and get enough information to become a part time coach, full time campus life director?

I want to go into youth ministry to teach more kids about jesus, and id also like to become a basketball coach. #leadership #mentoring #coaching #youth #outgoing

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Jan 19, 2018 1043 views

How to successfully fundraise for a school club?

I would like to help my club afford attending different conferences. We are a club centered around STEM majors. We don't know the ins and outs of being sponsored by companies/raising money for the organization. I would greatly appreciate any and all advice. Thank you. #college #university...