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Anna Traykova’s Avatar

Anna Traykova

Education, Advising and Consulting Professional
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
26 Answers
43063 Reads
77 Karma
Clementine’s Avatar
Clementine Nov 06, 2021 855 views

What are some key components to writing an essay for college applications?

#collegeapplications #applyingtocollege #college

Dejanae’s Avatar
Dejanae Jul 30, 2021 1127 views

would being an architect actually make a good career?

i’ve stuck to the thought of my career job being an architect, but i can’t seem to find much about the job. i’ve watched maybe two videos on youtube about finding offers, and how it’s kind of difficult to get customers sometimes, so mostly you’re just waiting for a call. also, i’ve found that...

Ismael’s Avatar
Ismael Jul 28, 2021 1143 views

What do I have to do in order to learn proper syntax in Java

I really want to get into computer science and really just dive deep and learn and absorb everything I can. #computer-science #computer #computer-programming

Chandresh’s Avatar
Chandresh Jul 30, 2020 626 views

Accelerated Master's Program vs Minor

I will be attending college to study computer science this fall, and while I have time before I can apply to be part of the accelerated master's program, I want to plan out my college path in advance. I do plan on getting a master degree in the future, but I am also considering to do a minor in...

Tomi’s Avatar
Tomi Jul 27, 2020 1026 views

How to know what Computer Science Major is best for your interests?

I'm in highschool and about to start the college application process, but when I think about what major I want to be in and what school best supports that major it's difficult because many colleges say "computer science" or "computer engineering" and I don't understand the difference. How do I...

Angelica’s Avatar
Angelica Jul 27, 2020 1316 views

How to determine which engineering major is right for you?

Hi, I’m currently a rising senior in high school and will most likely pursue engineering in college. However, I’m still struggling to figure out which engineering major is right for me. I’ve been considering electrical or chemical engineering but I’m still unsure.
#college #majors #engineering

Rainer’s Avatar
Rainer Apr 17, 2020 884 views

Is it possible to be a good mechatronics engineer?

I am thinking if it is possible to be well versed in Computer Science, Electrical and electronics engineering and mechanical engineering and are there job roles involving all of these? #engineering #engineer #computer #electrical-engineering #mechanical #mechanics

Nobody’s Avatar
Nobody Dec 09, 2019 935 views

What job would be the most fulfilling for me?

I like plants, animals, space exploration, and music. #music #job #space #singer #animals #plants

mike Craig’s Avatar
mike Craig Feb 09, 2020 580 views

How best can i help when i am an (African) International student at University.

I am a very charity passionate guy, coming from a developing nation in Africa i have seen a lot of vulnerable and poor individuals and families.
I am a #technology graduate.

Raven’s Avatar
Raven Jan 06, 2020 865 views

What are some things a college counselor will ask me?


Zala’s Avatar
Zala Dec 25, 2019 788 views

As a freshman, What are the initial steps for me to take and prepare myself for being in AI?

I see myself in AI, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. However, I am not really sure what are the initial steps i should take as a college Freshman. What skill i need to improve, what classes should I take, and what other activities should I get involved with to...

jane’s Avatar
jane Dec 10, 2019 751 views

if i keep my options open and try out a lot of different courses in my first year of college will i have to go an extra year after deciding what i want to do?


Damir’s Avatar
Damir Oct 29, 2019 701 views

In the IT field how much school do you have to complete?

#college #college-advice #medical-school

Caitlynn’s Avatar
Caitlynn Nov 20, 2019 504 views

What are the requirements to get a degree in foreign language translator?

I'm thinking of going to college to become a translator and would like to know what I need to accomplish to do so.
# #college

Sylvie’s Avatar
Sylvie Mar 27, 2018 787 views

What are some good study tips for a high school junior?

I've never been too good at studying, and I have tried many different ways to study, but I can't find one thats good for me. I especially need help with this since I'll be going to college soon. Thanks! #studying-tips #studying #academic-advising #high-school-students