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Jake Marcos’s Avatar

Jake Marcos

Software Development Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Seattle, Washington
12 Answers
12027 Reads
111 Karma


Citizen Patrol
Civic Duty

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Izaac’s Avatar
Izaac Jan 08, 2019 1196 views

What experience did you have to learn more and get a better understanding for your field?

#tech #technology #computer #computer-software #computer-engineer #computer-programming #computer-science

Kathy’s Avatar
Kathy Dec 12, 2018 1153 views

I'm considering web development, database administration, and software development/programming. How can I tell which area would be right for me?

#software-development #computer-software #programming #technology I have a bachelor's degree unrelated to CS. I'm looking at either a boot camp, an AAS degree or maybe another bachelor's in CS. My kids are almost out of high school so I'm looking for a big change and something I can really...

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Nov 14, 2018 755 views

What would it take to become a Professional eSports player?

I know that with becoming a professional eSports player you would need practice with the game you would like to play competitively, practice to build your skills, and train either by yourself or with a team of your own. But I would like to know something more in depth such as what qualities...

Colleen’s Avatar
Colleen Oct 29, 2018 1320 views

What do I need to study to become an entrepreneur?

I want to start my own company, what skills do I need? What benefits does college have to becoming an entrepreneur?

#entrepreneur #business #small-business

Melvin Summerville’s Avatar
Melvin Oct 31, 2018 1594 views

Are there any engineering/programming jobs that use Arduino?

As a rising mechanical engineering graduate with an interest in programming, I want to know if there's any jobs out there that seriously focus on Arduino, or any kind of mechanical engineering jobs that use any programming languages at all. Thanks! #engineer #engineering #programming #career...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Oct 29, 2018 806 views

What classes to you need to be a gaming youtuber?

Do you need to be in any certain classes? #classes

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Oct 20, 2018 873 views

How much time does an engineer get to spend with his family?

#familylife #work

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Oct 23, 2018 686 views

What is good advice for thriving in a school that is very far away from home?


James’s Avatar
James Oct 15, 2018 757 views

What does it take to be a pro gamer?

What kind of experience might you need.#skill

Saliah’s Avatar
Saliah Sep 18, 2018 603 views

Hello Every one

#job . How do I manage to get a Job in the USA or Canada

Caden’s Avatar
Caden Aug 21, 2018 701 views

What's the most difficult part about applying for a college?

Between the essays and everything else, what do you find the hardest to perfect? #advice

Lakin’s Avatar
Lakin Oct 23, 2018 923 views

Do companies view an online Bachelors of Graphic Design degree the same as they would a traditional in class Bachelors of Graphic Design degree?

#graphic-design #design #art #interior-design #career