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Gloria Ortiz’s Avatar

Gloria Ortiz

Instructional Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Irving, Texas
842 Answers
692416 Reads
1942 Karma


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Civic Duty

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Rileigh’s Avatar
Rileigh Nov 23, 2021 677 views

What are the qualifications?

Hard working willing to learn new skills #education

Marco’s Avatar
Marco Oct 03, 2020 625 views

What are the best Scholarships available?

#law #college#scholarship

emily’s Avatar
emily May 29, 2018 494 views

What is a good way to find scholarships?


Sariah’s Avatar
Sariah May 24, 2018 596 views

When applying for scholarships, which ones should you focus on?

I have found a ton of scholarships, but I have no idea which ones to apply to #help #scholarships

mary’s Avatar
mary Aug 24, 2018 729 views

Any tips on applying for scholarships?

#scholarships #help

Brandi’s Avatar
Brandi Jan 17, 2018 733 views

Can my G.P.A. get me financial aid for school?

I've always been a good student. All A's most of the time. I have a 4.0/4.0 G.P.A and I want to go to college. I am in concert choir, showchoir, and marching band and am working on finding a part time job as I will have to pay for most of my schooling myself. With that being said I really need...

Linssey’s Avatar
Linssey Nov 16, 2021 566 views

What GPA I need to attend a University?

#university #college #financial-aid #gpa

Kaesin’s Avatar
Kaesin Nov 30, 2018 1153 views

Tips for College?

I'm going to college in less than a year now, and I'm pretty nervous. What advice do you have for an incoming college freshman? #college #college-advice #college-admissions #help #financial-aid

Genesis’s Avatar
Genesis Nov 14, 2021 934 views

How do i get more information about college other than school?

#college #college-advice #college-admissions #help #college-admissions #college-bound #help

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jun 08, 2021 562 views

Where do you travel to?

#travel and culture

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra May 12, 2017 1079 views

Are there places to travel for cheap if you are still in college?

Limited budget #travel #traveling

kevin’s Avatar
kevin Nov 15, 2021 696 views

What are some job examples for a marketer?

I am a high school Junior student trying to learn more about entrepreneurship especially marketing at the moment. Thanks! #marketing

Jaidyn’s Avatar
Jaidyn Aug 31, 2017 1162 views

Is it ok to not be certain on the major you want to study for in college?

I have multiple majors that I am interested in but I do not know which one is the right option for me. #decidingmajor #undecided #career-counseling #college-major

Ibrahim’s Avatar
Ibrahim Jan 17, 2018 952 views

i don't what to major in ?

because i have very little time to decide what to do in collage #college #college-major #undecided #career-counseling

Jayelyn’s Avatar
Jayelyn Nov 08, 2021 1421 views

Is it better to take a gap year or go straight ?

#college #undecided #which #college-major #school