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Benjamin Hall’s Avatar

Benjamin Hall

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Cicero, New York
12 Answers
7997 Reads
61 Karma

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Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jan 22, 2023 580 views

School Options for Animation (in Canada)?

What is the best pathway to becoming a 2D animator? Are online programs like Animation Mentor or worth it? Or is it better to get an actual degree from a school like Sheridan?

Carlina’s Avatar
Carlina Nov 09, 2022 706 views

What is the best direction if you want to become a 2D Animator?

I'm currently a senior in high school, aiming to become a 2D Animator, but I don't know the best way to achieve that goal efficiently in a way that works best for me. I still want to review basic drawing skills while also developing new animation skills so I can build a career out of what I...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 17, 2022 644 views

What do I need to do to become a videogame animator

I am a Freshman and have a good understanding on videogame designing, however; I want to know what to do on how to make cut scenes, movement and attacking animations, ect. I know how to code it into the game just don't know if I should take animation, 3d-animation or something else

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Nov 10, 2021 614 views

How can you turn a live action person into animation?

I notice this topic on movies, tv shows, and commercials.# #animation

Isa’s Avatar
Isa Oct 26, 2021 559 views

What is a good starting point for someone who wants to be an animator?

I am a high school senior who is interested in animation. #animation

Zion’s Avatar
Zion Sep 21, 2021 730 views

I wanna be a successful animator,author ,comic artist, and actor so I have what it takes?

My favorite color is red n black.
My favorite food is pizza
N Im tryna be a animator someday #communication #art #animator #animation #design

Eryx’s Avatar
Eryx Sep 09, 2021 620 views

How can I effectively use timing in animation?

I am not sure when a character or object should move in some situations. #animation

Eryx’s Avatar
Eryx Aug 26, 2021 566 views

What steps are there to become a 2d animator?

I am a senior in high school and I am interested in 2d animation. #animation #animation

Candys’s Avatar
Candys Jun 23, 2021 1157 views

What are the steps in creating your own animation?

I was recently inspired by how animations seem more detailed and animated. I'd notice how in most cartoons, their mouth flaps seem like they're pronouncing each word clearly. And the storyline for most cartoons inspire me to pursue animation. I want to bring characters to life and tell stories....

Iris’s Avatar
Iris Aug 04, 2021 978 views

What do I do to become an animator?

I love to do art and make small little animations. I also love to entertain people or be able to make so one happy through my art. #art #animation

Candys’s Avatar
Candys Jun 22, 2021 639 views

What programs are better to start off with?

I want to pursue an animation career, but I've never used any animation programs to get me on that path. #animation #design #art

Hunter’s Avatar
Hunter Jun 20, 2021 594 views

What are ways in order to get your foot in the animation industry?

I'm an art student who would like to go into the animation industry. #Art #Animation #artist