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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2525020 Reads
11180 Karma


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Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 21, 2016 1118 views

Are careers in the medical feild time consuming? Is there enough time to develop a persoal life, or is it all work?

As someone interested in the medical feild, I was wondering what kind of a lifestyle someone with this type of a career would have. #career #medicine #careers #lifestyle

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella May 20, 2016 1152 views

What should I do in college to help me stand out when looking for a job after I graduate?

Looking for a job after college can be tough and I would like to know how I can make myself stand out to future employers. #college #job #hiring #employment

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 20, 2016 704 views

How can I get a good grade in organic chemistry?

I want to do well in my classes so I want advise. #college

Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica May 20, 2016 1059 views

Is doing online college a bad thing?

I would like to know if online college would look worse on a resume than just attending and graduating from a normal college. #college #resume #online

Kahley’s Avatar
Kahley May 20, 2016 3067 views

What exactly is a public health coordinator?

I met with a public health nurse a few weeks ago to talk about birth control. I asked her how she got to be doing what she did, and I found her answer very interesting. I would LOVE to educate people about proper sex education (STI's, different types of birth control, consent, gender &...

Kahley’s Avatar
Kahley May 20, 2016 1408 views

What can you do with a sociology degree?

I took a sociology class last quarter, and it's been my most favorite out of every class I've taken. I want to study it in college, but what are my career options if I major in sociology? I am currently in high school and am going to a private four-year college this fall. #career #career-path...

karly’s Avatar
karly May 05, 2016 3339 views

what are good Key Strengths/Skills to posess in a professional enviroment?

im karly and i just wanted to know for when im updating my resume what to look out for. #resume-writing

karly’s Avatar
karly May 05, 2016 915 views

who are good people to network with? why?

applying for a new job just would like to get some in site on networking #jobs

kanika’s Avatar
kanika May 02, 2016 840 views

How many Engineering college in Tamil Nadu?

I am kani .studing in 10th std.Answer me.Help me. #teacher #engineering

kanika’s Avatar
kanika May 05, 2016 1209 views

How to become a good engineer?

I am kanika.Answer me. #engineering #teacher

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 05, 2016 1490 views

What is the worst career mistake one can make?

Just curious what the worst possible-scenario could be... #jobs #career-paths #careers

Shannon’s Avatar
Shannon May 18, 2016 1267 views

What is the average salary for one pursuing a Master's Degree in Hospitality Management?

I am a high school senior and I plan to pursue a Master's Degree in Hospitality Management at Stephen F. Austin State University. I would like to know this question to decide if it is a stable field and that I can support a family in the future with. #management #hospitality #hotel-management...

Shannon’s Avatar
Shannon May 18, 2016 1040 views

My significant other would like to pursue a career in Welding. What would be the best college-based or certification school plan he could take so he can continue working his passion for a better salary?

In order for my significant other and I to succeed in our near future, we need to know how much work we need to put in before settling down with careers and building a family. #career #salary #welding #financial-planning #career-details

Cara-Ann’s Avatar
Cara-Ann May 16, 2016 1224 views

What are some potential careers/jobs available for students with a major in Public Relations/Communications, specifically in PA?

In college, I plan to major in Public Relations this Fall in the state of Pennsylvania! I know it is difficult to find a job in today's society, and I'm aware the rate of jobs available for college graduates have been decreasing over time. However, I have hope that something can change. I'd...

Cara-Ann’s Avatar
Cara-Ann May 16, 2016 1019 views

What are the best ways to prepare for college, and the #1 tip for a Freshman?

I start college in the Fall! My emotions consist of excitement, nervousness, a bit anxious, but mostly extremely enthusiastic! What would be the #1 tip for a freshman who wants to succeed throughout college, and feel prepared when launching off to leave? #college #studying-tips #freshman #new