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Richard Wolf’s Avatar

Richard Wolf

R&D and Applied Enginering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Pahrump, Nevada
31 Answers
37327 Reads
72 Karma

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Shreasth Pratap’s Avatar
Shreasth Pratap Dec 02, 2021 922 views

Can i get internships after completing btech in mechanical engineering?

#mechanical-engineering #mechanical-engineer #engineer

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 14, 2018 1468 views

Mechanical Engineering and Robotics

I'm interested in robotics and currently studying mechanical engineering. From what I see, the new developments in robotics seem to be mainly in control. Electrical and computer science engineers seem to be using AI and improved sensors to make robot movement more precise and intelligent....

Priya’s Avatar
Priya Oct 01, 2020 4607 views

After 10th which course have value and jobs

After completing 10th I would like to have diploma course i want to know which course has more scope #air-force #robotics #any

Anson’s Avatar
Anson Jun 19, 2020 589 views

As a Mechanical Engineer how do you respond to the hate comments and bad reviews of the product your worked on?


Anson’s Avatar
Anson Jun 19, 2020 709 views

As a mechanical engineer what is the first step you take in order to start the process of making a product better than the last one?


Taner’s Avatar
Taner May 07, 2020 846 views

Any Electrical Engineering hobbies,skills,books to get into while in quarantine?

We still have over a week left till things start open up, I'm a sophmore EE student.

Any hobbies, skills, books to check out to become a more valuable engineer!?

Thank you for your help and time.

#engineering #engineer #student #student #electrical

Frieda’s Avatar
Frieda Apr 30, 2020 2601 views

How can I find virtual volunteer opportunities?

I will be applying to colleges as a transfer students but I don't have much volunteer experience and with everything happening right now, opportunities are hard to find #volunteer #college

georgia’s Avatar
georgia Apr 29, 2019 738 views

what are working conditions mechanical engineers go through?


Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 1324 views

What does a day in the life of an engineer look like?

I have always been passionate about engineering, but I want to see if the daily work done by an engineer would match my personalities and strengths.
#engineering #engineer #science

Rainer’s Avatar
Rainer Apr 24, 2020 2818 views

Will mechanical engineers need to learn coding ?

Should I learn machine learning, or image processing or embedded system or any #computer #engineering #technology #engineer other related electronic and computer science related field?

Rainer’s Avatar
Rainer Apr 23, 2020 983 views

What are essential skills for a mechanical engineer?

If I were to gain these skills( both soft and technical ) , and I could apply anywhere with these skills within the mechanical industries, what would they be?
#mechanical-engineering #engineering #mechanical-engineer #engineer #skill

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 2211 views

When did you realize that you wanted to become an engineer, and how did you strive to become one?

I am a junior in high school and I am passionate about engineering. I want to know what professionals did in order to become one! #engineering #civil-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career

Rana’s Avatar
Rana Apr 05, 2020 802 views

can an electro-mechanical engineer be working in an office (managerial job)without having to go to sites/factories ?

#energy #renewableenergy #engineering #engineer r #mechanical-engineering #electrical #electrical-engineering

jose’s Avatar
jose Mar 16, 2020 1053 views

where would you say has the best pay for a mechanical engineer?

#engineering #mechanical-engineering

Aun’s Avatar
Aun Feb 23, 2020 1288 views

Career pathways for Mechatronics?

I've researched a little on the topic, but have only found videos about robotics engineers. Is this the only pathway specialized for an individual with a mechatronics degree? Or is it broader than that? As a tenth grader, I want to be fully informed of every opportunity I have in engineering...