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Detroit, Michigan
15 Questions
1511 Karma

Olivia’s Career Goals

I want to be working in a research lab or working in industry within the neuroscience field.


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Olivia Apr 16, 2020 1243 views

How do you appropriately address a cover letter if you cannot find a specific individual?

#cover-letter #writing #resume

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Olivia Apr 16, 2020 852 views

Is it appropriate to put free massive online open courses (MOOCs) on a resume?

#job-application #resume #CV #professional-development

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Olivia Apr 16, 2020 922 views

What is a fellowship in graduate school and how is it different from getting a stipend?

#graduate-school #money #student-loans #college #fellowship #doctorate-program

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Olivia Apr 16, 2020 1518 views

After undergrad, is it beneficial/worth it to work in my field for a year or so before applying to graduate school?

#graduate-school #professional-development #job-experience #research #science #STEM

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 1026 views

What is the best method not to get burnt out while studying for finals?

#studying-tips #study #college #finals #finals-week

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 849 views

Where can I find people to start a new club at my university with?

#college #college-advice #club #extracurricular

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 3548 views

What is the difference between an RA and a TA in graduate school?

#gradschool #graduate-school #research-assistant #teaching-assistant

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 3386 views

What should I ask/say to a professor to form a relationship with them if I don't have any questions about class topics?

#professor #networking #university #college

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 2140 views

Where can an introverted student gain leadership experience?

#volunteer #networking #leadership #internship #introverts

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 1346 views

On your resume, how should you tailor your objective statement when applying to jobs in different subjects?

#resume #job #job-search # #job-application #career-objective

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 815 views

What is considered an average GRE score?

#graduate-school #application # #college-admissions #standardized-exam

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 6447 views

How should you prepare for an interview?

#interviews #job-application #resume

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 806 views

What is a good GPA for graduate school?

#graduate-school #gpa #college-admissions

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 1337 views

How many hours should a full time student work in a week?

#time-management #college-student #full-time #college-job

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Olivia Mar 06, 2020 3034 views

What can someone do with a Bachelors in Biology?

#biology #career #science #STEM #stem