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Rebecca Tang’s Avatar

Rebecca Tang

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Hong Kong
1633 Answers
1081212 Reads
2410 Karma


Civic Duty
Mark’s Avatar
Mark Feb 12 1300 views

What is the best Business career path to choose?

I’m stuck on which career i should go for.

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Feb 11 704 views

learning from more sources is good?

i am learning coding skills from youtube and coursera

Betany’s Avatar
Betany Feb 11 1131 views

What is the best major for college?

I'm in 12th grade thinking of a major for college

krystal’s Avatar
krystal Feb 10 540 views

Why is it important to study at university?

I am passionate about studies and sports, I am a very social and responsible person

Marlon’s Avatar
Marlon Feb 10 491 views

How do I start my own business. How invest and keep my business up and growing. And how do I also make my business world wide so that it can spread quickly and make my a ton of money.

How do I start my own business. How invest and keep my business up and growing. And how do I also make my business world wide so that it can spread quickly and make my a ton of money.

Alisa’s Avatar
Alisa Feb 09 423 views

How to improve your performance

I am a 10 grader and looking help with Improving my performance with writing and grammar and how to be a quick writer and expert in grammar such as past tense and essays

Nicolaus’s Avatar
Nicolaus Feb 10 1027 views

What career other than vet could someone with an interest in animals/healthcare pursue?

I’m an 11th grader. I’ve wanted to be a veterinarian since I was 5. I’ve taken all the classes I believed were useful for my career and am in a program for aspiring medical professionals. However I’m having doubts now as many vets say that it’s an under appreciated job with high stress that you...

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Feb 08 997 views

how i can develop my skills in coding ?

#coding #java #python

Liam’s Avatar
Liam Feb 07 681 views

what classes should I take for a computer business?

I was wondering what is good class to take in college in order to get in to computer business
I am a high school student wanting to know more about computer and what classes I should take

Maddox’s Avatar
Maddox Feb 07 395 views

How do I fine where to go to college?

I like science and math and hate english. I want a job that I will enjoy in life

Ash’s Avatar
Ash Jan 23 1200 views

How challenging to start from scratch?

Would there be a way the make a cafe and the extend it into a bakery or restaurant? I am of course that’s possible but how challenging would that be? To start from scratch and just build a cafe and expand it into something else.

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Feb 06 570 views

How do I figure out what I want my future career to be?

I have no idea what I want to do in the future and need help.

Larry’s Avatar
Larry Feb 01 765 views

Why is College important ?

I have been contemplating about pursuing higher education and have a lot of questions about college. I am curious about the application process, the different majors and programs offered, the types of financial aid available, the campus life, and the career prospects after graduation.

Ayva’s Avatar
Ayva Feb 05 362 views

how long did it take for you to reach your goal? when did you realize you made it?

Exactly how I'm asking the question. I can't leave this field blank.

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Feb 02 748 views

How does one balance school demands and pursue a career in sports?

Im Mason, i am 13. I wanna be a professional basket player. Do i have to attend College after high school?