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Rachel Weinheimer’s Avatar

Rachel Weinheimer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Amarillo, Texas
1121 Answers
866227 Reads
389 Karma


Civic Duty

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Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Apr 16, 2018 532 views

What do colleges look for on a college application?

I want to have a really good chance to get accepted to a college.#college-advice

Raabia’s Avatar
Raabia Apr 13, 2018 960 views

How important is it to build relationships with your professors?

I will be attending college in September of this year as a freshman undergraduate student. I have heard from many that some college professors may not be as hands- on as others but it is always good to connect with them in terms of networking. I wonder how beneficial this type of networking...

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Apr 12, 2018 728 views

Is it worth continuing school after a high school education?

Many people say they can start working right out of high school. I want to know if its worth continuing your education and taking it one step further. Many also say that you go into more debt than what you'll end up making with the further education. is that true? #college-advice...

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Apr 11, 2018 466 views

How was your time management courses in college education experience?

I want to know how college students manage their course classes.

Joi’s Avatar
Joi Apr 05, 2018 1022 views

What steps can I take to make college affordable?

I am a current college student in my sophomore year. I recently learned that my parent will only be able to contribute about 5% of my college education. What are some steps I can take to make college more affordable? I am already working as a co-op and saving as much as I can. I would prefer...

Damyon’s Avatar
Damyon Apr 05, 2018 697 views

How can I be as successful as possible in college?

As expensive as college can be, the last thing I want to do is squander my time while I there. #college-advice

Clarise’s Avatar
Clarise Apr 04, 2018 1191 views

How many hours of classes should I take per semester?

I am working on enrolling, and I will be a full-time student. I want to take as many gen-ed classes as I can to get them out of the way, but how many hours would you recommend I take? I won't be living on campus, so I don't want to overload on classes, but I would like to get classes done....

Allie’s Avatar
Allie Apr 04, 2018 628 views

Do colleges care about grades or the essay?

#college-advice #college-admissions

Allie’s Avatar
Allie Apr 04, 2018 541 views

What can i do in highschool in order to impress college?

#college #college-advice #readyness

Franco’s Avatar
Franco Apr 04, 2018 657 views

What are the best study tips for the college experience?

I will be a freshman in college in about 5 months and I am kind of worried about how to make sure I do good in those classes. I'll be majoring in Neuroscience, any tips on studying and/or the overall experience? #studying-tips #college-advice #college

Hanan’s Avatar
Hanan Apr 03, 2018 577 views

Should I aim for a top school like Harvard?

There are so many top schools like Harvard that I'm sure have their own benefits, but should I even aim to go there or stick with any regular college?


alina’s Avatar
alina Mar 26, 2018 730 views

At what age should I start visiting colleges?

I'm a freshman in high-school and I do 4 sports! And I'm very academic. Knowing this and also that i'm interested in colleges, when should I start visiting colleges?
#college #college-advice #college-selection

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Mar 26, 2018 919 views

How can I balance my time?

How can I balance my time between after school activities and my academics? I’m involved in only 2 school related clubs but I feel as though that’s not enough in order to make myself stand out in a college application. I want to be more involved in other clubs but my main concern is that I’ll...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 26, 2018 745 views

What to do when you're denied from your top colleges?

I've recently been denied from my reach schools and a few of my safety schools. I've applied to a couple more but at this point it's hard to get scholarships from those schools since i've applied too late. However, i've been accepted to two small private liberal arts schools but they're not...

Meredith’s Avatar
Meredith Mar 26, 2018 1021 views

What is the best way to study?

Should you study alone or in groups?

#college-advice #college #studying-tips