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Lakesha Jackson’s Avatar

Lakesha Jackson

Solution Manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Raleigh, North Carolina
13 Answers
26323 Reads
21 Karma

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Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Apr 16, 2018 1626 views

How do I gain and maintain respect and attention as a leader?

I'm currently the Head of Marketing on my school's robotics team, and I get a lot of disrespect from my peers, due to lack of interest in marketing, the fact that I'm smaller and younger than everyone else, that I am one of the five-ish girls on a 40+ person team, and the fact that due to my...

Tharles’s Avatar
Tharles Jan 11, 2017 3291 views

How to make a good first impression during a job interview?

I am an engineering student that is searching for an internship those days. #business #mechanical-engineering #business-management #civil-engineering #electrical-engineering #chemical-engineering #administration #industrial-engineering #job-application

Demont’s Avatar
Demont Jun 18, 2015 1610 views

How can I achieve my goal in a way the will benefit my career?

Hi, I am in 9th grade. I want to know what I can do to get my career going into a positive direction? #automotive-engineer

safina’s Avatar
safina May 17, 2016 1660 views

How do I improve in math?

Math is very difficult for me. What are some ways I can improve? #teacher #education #mathematics #math #higher-education

Lera’s Avatar
Lera May 04, 2016 1613 views

What are good skills to have (relating to technology) in order to be successful in today's workforce?

I would like to know what will be expected of me, considering that technology is a big part of everyone's lives and jobs. #computer #technology #job-skills

Zoya’s Avatar
Zoya Apr 25, 2018 4301 views

How long does it take for one to complete their Bachelor's?

I was counted the amount of time I will spend in school after High school. I was considering going into Information Technology Management. How long is the schoolimg in terms of getting your bachelors and masters degree? #information-technology-and-services #project-management #help #BS #mba

Sheila’s Avatar
Sheila Aug 27, 2018 753 views

How do you cope with having a job that doesn't necessarily always end well?

How do you deal with your occupation on a day to day basis when some things are out of your hands?

#social workers

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina May 08, 2017 2411 views

What does "long-term" mean in volunteering?

I am homeschooled, so I don't have many extracurricular activities. Because of this, and also because I enjoy it, I volunteer a lot. In August, I started volunteering once a week at a hospital in Outpatient Registration. I enjoy it, and I am planning on continuing through the summer. I am not...

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Mar 09, 2017 9696 views

If you were going to rate your job, 1-10, 1 being horrible and 10 being amazing, what would you rate it?

So, you are filling out a survey for your job. One of the questions is, "Rate your job on a scale of 1-10, 1 being worst and 10 being best." What would you rate your job? Do you wake up every morning excited to go to work, do you just "not mind" working, or do you REALLY hate your job? Thank...

Jonathan U’s Avatar
Jonathan U Oct 25, 2019 1454 views

If you could do it all over again, would your choose the same path for yourself? If not What would you changer what kinds of decisions do you make?

#career-choice #career-path

Liam’s Avatar
Liam Apr 21, 2020 1548 views

How should I get ahead?

I'm just starting High School, and I'm in the most advanced classes I can be, yet I feel like I can progress even farther, faster; I would like to know if there is any way to get credit or get ahead for high school or even college, I know that' sort of vague- but I'm at a pretty vague place in...

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 26, 2019 1821 views

Do you really need to take high school classes in preparation to college?

Do you need to take relevant high school classes to your major in college, or will college teach you everything you need to know?
#college #student #college-major #high-school #time-management #college-bound #major #engineering #physics #chemistry #biology #calculus #science #technology #math

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Mar 11, 2018 1367 views

With technology constantly changing how can we keep up with it?

Planning on woking in the tech field. #technology #educational-technology